Network Assets APIs

The network assets APIs of the Kentik V5 Admin APIs are covered in the following topics:

- For an overview of all Kentik APIs, see APIs Overview.
- For information on using APIs with cURL, see API Access Via cURL.
- For documentation of the V5 Query API, see V5 Query API.
- For documentation of the V5 Alerting APIs, see V5 Alerting APIs.
- For help using any API version, contact


About Network Assets APIs

The Kentik V5 Admin APIs offer "network assets" APIs for programmatically managing settings in the Admin section of the Kentik portal, including the following:


Device API

Note: Member-level users only have access to the GET methods of this API.

The Device API allows you to manage your organization's devices in Kentik. The available methods for managing devices include:

For information on adding and managing devices via the Kentik portal, see Manage Devices.
- To make calls to this API using cURL, see API Access Via cURL.
- The V5 API tester was discontinued in January 2025.

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Device JSON

Device API calls return an HTTP response with a JSON device object, or, an array of such objects for the Device List call. The object contains the fields (name/value pairs) shown in the following example:

  "device": {
    "id": "9623",
    "company_id": "1289",
    "device_name": "pd_router",
    "device_subtype": "router",
    "device_description": "test of device settings",
    "plan_id": 123,
    "site_id": 394,
    "device_flow_type": "netflow.v5",
    "device_sample_rate": "1024",
    "sending_ips": [
    "device_snmp_ip": "",
    "device_snmp_community": "",
    "minimize_snmp": false,
    "device_bgp_type": "device",
    "device_bgp_neighbor_ip": "",
    "device_bgp_neighbor_asn": "5001",
    "device_bgp_password": null,
    "use_bgp_device_id": null,
    "custom_columns": null,
    "created_date": "2016-09-09T17:27:18.080Z",
    "updated_date": "2016-09-09T17:27:18.080Z"
    "device_snmp_v3_conf": {
      "UserName": "eenie",
      "AuthenticationProtocol": "MD5",
      "AuthenticationPassphrase": "meenie",
      "PrivacyProtocol": "DES",
      "PrivacyPassphrase": "minie"

Each device object contains fields with information about an individual device registered in Kentik to your organization. These fields are detailed in the following tables.

Device Object

JSON name Type Description
id number The system-assigned device ID.
company_id number The system-assigned ID of the company (organization).
device_name string User-supplied device name.
device_subtype string The subtype of the device, see Device Subtypes.
device_description string User-supplied device description.
plan_id number The ID of the plan to which this device is assigned. Available plans can be found via the Plans API.
- Valid value: integer.
site_id number The system-assigned ID of the site, if any, to which this device is assigned.
device_flow_type string For routers, the flow type sent to Kentik (NetFlow v5, NetFlow v9, sFlow, or IPFIX). For hosts, it’s IPFIX, the flow type sent from the Kentik nProbe host agent.
Note: Kentik auto-detects the flow type.
device_sample_rate string Total packets transiting the device for each packet processed for flow data (see Flow Sampling).
sending_ips array of strings IPs from which the device will send flow to Kentik.
device_snmp_ip string The IP address for polling the device (router).
device_snmp_community string The SNMP community for polling the device (router).
minimize_snmp boolean The SNMP polling interval:
- If false (standard), interface counter is polled every 5 minutes and interface description every 30 minutes.
- If true (minimized), interface counter is not polled, and interface description is polled every 6 hours.
device_bgp_type string Reserved for internal use.
device_bgp_neighbor_ip string BGP Neighbor IP
device_bgp_neighbor_asn string BGP Neighbor ASN (16- or 32-bit)
device_bgp_password string BGP Password
use_bgp_device_id string Use this device's BGP table instead of creating a new BGP session.
custom_columns N.A. Internal use only.
created_date string Date-time of registration of the device in Kentik creation, in UTC (ISO 8601), e.g., 2015-01-27T01:39:17.186Z
updated_date string Date-time of last edit to the device in UTC, e.g., 2015-01-27T01:39:17.186Z
device_snmp_v3_conf object See Device_snmp_v3_conf Object

Note: For more details about the settings indicated by the name/value pairs, see Device Settings Dialog.

Device Subtypes

Kentik supports the device subtypes found in the Subtype column of the table in Supported Device Types.

Device_snmp_v3_conf Object

JSON name Type Description
UserName string The user name for SNMP v3 authentication.
Note: Required if AuthenticationProtocol is MD5 or SHA, or if PrivacyProtocol is DES or AES-128.
AuthenticationProtocol string SNMP v3 authentication protocol.
- Valid values: NoAuth (none), MD5, SHA.
AuthenticationPassphrase string Password for SNMP V3 authentication.
Note: Required if AuthenticationProtocol is MD5 or SHA.
PrivacyProtocol string The SNMP V3 privacy type:
- Valid values: NoPriv (none), DES (56-bit DES encryption), AES-128.
PrivacyPassphrase string Password for SNMP V3 privacy.
Note: Required if PrivacyProtocol is DES or AES-128.

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Device List

The Device List GET method fetches JSON array of your Kentik devices, with each element representing an individual device.

Note: The “id” value in each device object can be used in subsequent calls to retrieve, update, or delete that specific device.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italics):

Request GET /api/v5/devices HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik’s EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device List method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • Response body with a JSON device array, where each element is a device object containing device information.

Note: For details on the JSON name/value pairs in a device object, see Device JSON.

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Device Info

The Device Info GET method fetches details of a single device, identified by its ID, from your Kentik devices list.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request GET /api/v5/device/device_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The “device_id” in the path corresponds to the “id” value in each device object from the Device List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik’s EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Info method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON device object with details about the device specified by device_id.

Note: For details on the JSON name/value pairs in a device object, see Device JSON.

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Device Create

The Device Create POST method adds a new device to Kentik.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request POST /api/v5/device HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik’s EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

The request body includes the following parameters in a JSON object:

Parameter Type Description
device_name string Required: The name of the device:
- Valid characters: alphanumeric and underscores.
- Length: min=4, max=60.
Device_subtype string Required: The type of device:
- Valid values: see Device Subtypes.
Device_description string A description of this device:
- Valid characters: any.
- Length: max=128.
Plan_id number Required: The ID of the plan to which this device is assigned. Available plans can be found via the Plans API.
- Valid value: integer.
Site_id number The ID of the site, if any, to which this device will be assigned. Site IDs are system-generated upon site creation.
- Valid value: integer.
Device_sample_rate string Required: Total packets transiting the device for each packet processed for flow data.
Sending_ips array of strings Required: The IP(s) from which flow is sent.
Note: The IP must not already be sending flow to another device registered in Kentik.
Device_snmp_ip string The SNMP IP for polling the device.
Note: Ignored unless device_subtype is set to router.
Device_snmp_community string The SNMP community for polling the device.
Note: Ignored unless device_subtype is set to router.
Minimize_snmp boolean Required when device type is router: The interval at which SNMP will be polled:
- If false (standard), interface counter is polled every 5 minutes and interface description every 3 hours.
- If true (minimized), interface counter is not polled and interface description is polled every 6 hours.
Device_snmp_v3_conf object See Setting device_snmp_v3_conf.
Note: If included, Kentik will poll this router with SNMP V3.
Device_bgp_type string Required: Device BGP type. Valid values:
- “none” (use generic IP/ASN mapping)
- “device” (peer with the device itself)
- “other_device” (share routing table of existing peered device)
device_bgp_neighbor_ip string A valid IPv4 address for peering with this device.
- Either this or its IPv6 equivalent is required when device_bgp_type is set to “device.”
- IP must not already be peering with another Kentik device.
Device_bgp_neighbor_ip6 string A valid IPv6 address for peering with this device.
- Either this or its IPv4 equivalent is required when device_bgp_type is set to “device.”
- IP must not already be peering with another Kentik device.
Device_bgp_neighbor_asn string The valid ASN (16 or 32-bit) of the autonomous system to which this device belongs.
Note: Required when device_bgp_type is set to “device.”
Device_bgp_password string Optional BGP MD5 password (shared authentication password for BGP peering). Valid characters: alphanumeric. Length: 32.
Note: Required when device_bgp_type is set to “device.”
Use_bgp_device_id string The ID of the device whose BGP table will be shared with this device.
Note: Required when device_bgp_type is set to “other_device”).
- Valid value: a system-generated device_id.

Setting device_snmp_v3_conf

The device_snmp_v3_conf object is included in request JSON to use SNMP V3 for router polling. If omitted, Kentik will assume SNMP V3 is intended.

Parameter Type Description
UserName string The username for SNMP v3 authentication.
Note: Required if AuthenticationProtocol is MD5 or SHA, or if PrivacyProtocol is DES or AES-128.
AuthenticationProtocol string SNMP v3 authentication protocol.
- Valid values: NoAuth (none), MD5, SHA.
AuthenticationPassphrase string Password for SNMP V3 authentication.
Note: Required if AuthenticationProtocol is MD5 or SHA.
PrivacyProtocol string The SNMP V3 privacy type:
- Valid values: NoPriv (none), DES (56-bit DES encryption), AES-128.
PrivacyPassphrase string Password for SNMP V3 privacy.
Note: Required if PrivacyProtocol is DES or AES-128.

Note: SNMP V3 authentication and privacy settings are independent. To disable both, set AuthenticationProtocol to NoAuth and PrivacyProtocol to NoPriv.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Create method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON device object with details about the newly-added device

Note: For details on the JSON name/value pairs in a device object, see Device JSON.

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Device Update

The Device Update PUT method updates data for a specific device, identified by ID, in your Kentik devices list.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request PUT /api/v5/device/device_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The “device_id” in the path corresponds to the “id” in each device object from the Device List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik’s EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

Pass the parameters to be updated in a JSON device object containing only the fields to be changed. Here’s an example for updating a device’s description:

  “device”: {
    “device_description”: “This is a really wonderful device.”

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Update method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON device object with details about the newly-updated device.

Note: For details on the JSON name/value pairs in a device object, see Device JSON.

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Device Apply Labels

The Device Apply Labels PUT method removes all existing labels (see Labels) from the specified device and applies the specified new labels.

- If no labels are specified, this method will still remove all existing labels from the specified device.
- To create and manage device labels via API, see Device Label API.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request POST /api/v5/devices/device_id/labels HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

The following parameters are passed in a JSON object in the request body:

Parameter Type Description
labels array An array of id objects.
Note: Omitting the labels array in the request body will result in the removal of all existing labels without adding new ones.
id integer The id of a label to apply to the device.

The example below shows a request body for adding two labels to a device.

  "labels": [
      "id": 1096
      "id": 32

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Apply Labels method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON device object with a labels array showing the labels assigned to the device post-operation. An example of a successful label application is provided below, with placeholders in italics.

  "id": "device_id",
  "device_name": "device_name",
  "labels": [
      "id": label_id,
      "name": "label_name",
      "edate": "2019-03-07T00:53:51.759Z",
      "cdate": "2019-03-07T00:53:51.759Z",
      "user_id": "#####",
      "company_id": "####",
      "color": "#800000",

Note: For details on the JSON name/value pairs in an individual labels object, see Device Label Object.

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Device Delete

The Device Delete method removes one device, identified by ID, from your collection of Kentik devices.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request DELETE /api/v5/device/device_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The “device_id” in the path corresponds to the “id” in each device object from the Device List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Delete method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code 204 (no content)
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Interface JSON

The interface methods of the Device API return an HTTP response body with an "interface" JSON object (or an array of objects for the Interface List call). The object includes name/value pairs as shown in the following example (placeholders in italics):

  "id": "9201304925",
  "company_id": "1289",
  "device_id": "2951",
  "snmp_id": "150",
  "snmp_speed": "1000",
  "snmp_type": 6,
  "snmp_type": 53,
  "snmp_alias": "irs",
  "interface_ip": "",
  "interface_description": "Vlan350",
  "interface_kvs": "\"updated\"=>\"1\"",
  "interface_tags": "",
  "interface_status": "V",
  "cdate": "2017-04-19T00:40:01.145Z",
  "edate": "2017-05-03T03:20:27.303Z",
  "initial_snmp_id": "150",
  "initial_snmp_alias": "irs",
  "initial_interface_description": "Vlan350",
  "initial_snmp_speed": "1000",
  "interface_ip_netmask": "",
  "secondary_ips": [
      "address": "",
      "netmask": ""
  "connectivity_type": "",
  "network_boundary": "",
  "initial_connectivity_type": "",
  "initial_network_boundary": ""
  "top_nexthop_asns": null,
  "initial_provider": "",
  "vrf_id": ####
  "vrf": {
    "name" : "test_vrf",
    "description" : "This is still a test",
    "route_distinguisher" : "",
    "ext_route_distinguisher" : 296507164417724,
    "route_target" : "101:100"

Each interface object contains fields with information about an individual interface on a Kentik-registered device. These fields are described in the following tables.

Note: For details on the settings represented by the name/value pairs, see Interfaces Page.

Interface Object

An interface object contains all the information about an individual interface of a device registered with Kentik.

JSON name Type Description
id string The system-assigned ID of the interface.
Company_id string The system-assigned ID of the customer.
Device_id string The system-assigned ID of the device to which this interface belongs.
Snmp_id string The interface index (ifIndex) as defined in the device and retrieved via SNMP. Same as initial_snmp_id unless manually overridden when device is created or updated in Kentik.
Snmp_speed number The capacity of the interface in Mbps. Same as initial_snmp_speed unless manually overridden when device is created or updated in Kentik.
Snmp_type integer Reserved for internal use.
Snmp_alias string User-specified text used by Kentik as the description of the interface. Same as initial_interface_description unless manually overridden when device is created or updated in Kentik.
Interface_ip string The IP address assigned to the interface.
Interface_description string User-specified text used by Kentik as the name of the interface. Same as initial_snmp_alias unless manually overridden when device is created or updated in Kentik.
Interface_kvs number Reserved for internal use.
Interface_tags number Reserved for internal use.
Interface_status   Reserved for internal use.
Cdate string Date-time of registration of the interface in Kentik creation, in UTC (ISO 8601), e.g. 2015-01-27T01:39:17.186Z
edate string Date-time of last edit to the interface, in UTC, e.g. 2015-01-27T01:39:17.186Z
initial_snmp_id string Last SNMP-polled SNMP ID of the interface on its device.
Initial_snmp_alias string Last SNMP-polled interface description.
Initial_interface_description string Last SNMP-polled interface name.
initial_snmp_speed string Last SNMP-polled interface capacity (Mbps).
Interface_ip_netmask string The netmask configured for the interface (applies to Ipv4 interfaces only).
Secondary_ips array See secondary_ips Array.
Connectivity_type string Reserved for internal use.
Network_boundary string Reserved for internal use.
Initial_connectivity_type string Same as connectivity_type.
Initial_network_boundary string Same as network_boundary.
Top_nexthop_asns array An array of ASNs, see Top Next Hop ASNs.
Provider object The provider, as determined by provider classification, via which traffic from a given externally facing interface reaches the Internet; see Provider Classification.
initial_provider string Reserved for internal use.
vrf_id string If the interface is assigned to a VRF, the ID of that VRF, otherwise null.
vrf string Present only if the interface is assigned to a VRF; see VRF Attributes.

secondary_ips Array

The secondary_ips array contains one or more objects, each specifying a secondary IP address for the interface.

JSON name Type Description
address string A secondary IP for the interface.
netmask string The netmask configured for this secondary interface_ip (applies to IPv4 interfaces only).

Top Next Hop ASNs

An array of objects showing ASNs that received the most packets from the interface in the past hour.

JSON name Type Description
ASN number The AS number.
packets number The number of packets in the hour preceding the call.

VRF Attributes

The vrf object, present only if the interface is assigned to a VRF, consists of elements corresponding to each VRF attribute:

Parameter Type Description
name string Name of the VRF entry.
description string Description of the VRF entry.
route_target string Route Target Community of the VRF entry.
route_distinguisher string Route Distinguisher of the VRF entry.
ext_route_distinguisher integer External Route Distinguisher of the VRF entry.

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Interface List

The Interface List GET method retrieves a JSON array of Kentik interfaces for a specified device, with each element representing an individual interface.

Note: The "id" value in each interface object can be used in subsequent calls to retrieve, update, or delete that specific interface.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italics):

Request GET /api/v5/device/device_id/interfaces HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Interface List method includes:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A JSON response body with an array of interface objects, each representing an interface of the specified device.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in an interface object, see Interface JSON.

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Interface Info

The Interface Info GET method fetches details about a single interface, identified by its ID, from the specified device's collection of interfaces.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request GET /api/v5/device/device_id/interface/interface_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The “interface_id” in the path corresponds to the “id” in each interface object from the Interface List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Interface Info method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON interface object with details about the interface specified by interface_id.

Note: For details on the JSON name/value pairs in an interface object, see Interface JSON.

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Interface Create

The Interface Create POST method adds a new interface to the specified Kentik-registered device’s collection of interfaces.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request POST /api/v5/device/device_id/interface HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

The following parameters are passed in a JSON object in the request body:

Parameter Type Description
snmp_id string Required: The interface index (ifIndex) as defined in the device and retrieved via SNMP. See Getting an Interface Index.
interface_description string Required: User-specified text used by Kentik as the name of the interface.
snmp_alias string User-specified text used by Kentik as the description of the interface.
interface_ip string The IP address assigned to the interface.
interface_ip_netmask string The netmask configured for the interface (applies to IPv4 interfaces only).
snmp_speed number Required: The capacity of the interface in Mbps.
secondary_ips array Array of secondary_ip objects; see Secondary IPs Array.
vrf object An object specifying the VRF attributes of the interface; see VRF Object.

Secondary IPs Array

An array of secondary IP objects, each of which must include the address and netmask parameters.

Parameter Type Description
address string In secondary_ip object, a secondary ip for the interface.
netmask string In secondary_ip object, the netmask configured for this secondary interface_ip (applies to IPv4 interfaces only)

VRF Object

An object specifying the VRF attributes of the interface:

Parameter Type Description
name string Required: Name of the VRF entry.
description string Required: Description of the VRF entry.
route_target string Required: Route Target Community of the VRF entry.
route_distinguisher string Required: Route Distinguisher of the VRF entry.
ext_route_distinguisher integer External Route Distinguisher of the VRF entry.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Interface Create method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON interface object with details about the newly-added interface.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in an interface object, see Interface JSON.

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Interface Update

The Interface Update PUT method modifies system data for a specific interface, identified by ID, within the specified device's existing interfaces.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request PUT /api/v5/device/device_id/interface/interface_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The “interface_id” in the path corresponds to the “id” in each interface object from the Interface List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

When updating an interface, the JSON object must include the required snmp_id and any fields to be updated (see table under HTTP Request in Interface Create). The following example shows an update to the interface’s description:

  "snmp_id": "150"
  "interface_description": "This is a truly great interface."

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Interface Update call includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON interface object with details about the newly-updated interface.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in an interface object, see Interface JSON.

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Interface Delete

The Interface Delete method removes a specified interface by ID from a Kentik-registered device’s collection of interfaces.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request DELETE /api/v5/device/device_id/interface/interface_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The “interface_id” in the path corresponds to the “id” in each interface object from the Interface List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Interface Delete method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • The HTTP response code 204 (no content)

Device Label API

Note: Member-level users whose only have access to the GET methods of this API.

The Device Label API allows for programmatic management of your device labels in Kentik. Available methods for managing device labels are covered in the following topics:

For information on adding and managing device labels via the Kentik portal, see Labels.
- To make calls to this API using cURL, see API Access Via cURL.

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Device Label JSON

Calls to the Device Label API return an HTTP response body with a JSON device label object, or an array of such objects for the Device Label List call. The object includes fields (name/value pairs) as shown in the following example:

  "id": 32,
  "name": "ISP",
  "color": "#f1d5b9",
  "user_id": "#####",
  "company_id": "####",
  "order": 0,
  "devices": [
      "id": "#####",
      "device_name": "my_device_1",
      "device_subtype": "router"
  "created_date": "2018-05-16T20:21:10.406Z",
  "updated_date": "2018-05-16T20:21:10.406Z"

Each device label object contains fields with information about an individual device label. These fields are described in the following tables.

Note: For details of the settings represented by these name/value pairs, see Labels.

Device Label Object

JSON name Type Description
id number The system-assigned ID of the device label.
name string User-specified text of the device label (e.g. "ISP").
color string The color, in hex, associated with this device label (e.g., "#f1d5b9").
user_id string The ID of the user who created or last edited the label.
company_id string The system-assigned ID of the customer in which the label exists.
devices array See Devices Array for Labels.
created_date string Date-time in UTC (ISO 8601) at which the device label was created (e.g., 2015-01-27T01:39:17.186Z).
updated_date string Date-time at which the label was most-recently edited.

Devices Array for Labels

An array of device objects, each containing a subset of elements from the full device object (see Device JSON), represents devices associated with labels. The table below lists the included elements.

JSON name Type Description
id string The system-assigned ID of the device.
device_name string Name specified by user when device was last edited.
device_subtype string See Device Subtypes.

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Device Label List

The Device Label List GET method retrieves a JSON array of device labels that currently existing in your organization, with each element representing an individual device label.

Note: The "id" value in each device label object can be used in subsequent calls to retrieve, update, or delete that specific device label.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italics):

Request GET /api/v5/deviceLabels HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Label List call includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A response body including a JSON array of device labels. Each element in the array is an object containing information about a device label.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in a device label object, see Device Label JSON.

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Device Label Info

The Device Label Info GET method fetches details of a specific device label by ID from your organization's collection.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request GET api/v5/deviceLabels/label_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The "label_id" in the path corresponds to the “id” in the device_label object from the Device Label List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Label Info method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON device label object with details about the device label specified by label_id.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in a device label object, see Device Label JSON.

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Device Label Create

The Device Label Create POST method adds a new device label to your organization's collection.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request POST api/v5/deviceLabels HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

The following parameters are passed in a JSON object in the request body:

Parameter Type Description
name string Required: A unique name for the device label.
- Length: max=100.
color string Required: A color value expressed in hex (e.g. "#a9c5e0").

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Label Create method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON device label object with details about the newly-added device label.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in a device label object, see Device Label JSON.

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Device Label Update

The Device Label Update PUT method modifies data for a specified device label by ID in your organization's collection.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request PUT /api/v5/deviceLabels/label_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The "label_id" in the path corresponds to the “id” in the device_label object from the Device Label List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

The parameters to be changed are passed in a JSON device label object:

  • To update the label's name, include the name field only.
  • To update the label's color, include both the name and color fields.

Example of a device label object to update the color to dark blue:

  "name": "Edge"
  "color": "#000080"

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Label Update method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON device label object with details about the newly-updated device label.

Note: For details on the JSON name/value pairs in a device label object, see Device Label JSON.

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Device Label Delete

The Device Label Delete method removes a device label by ID from your organization's collection.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request DELETE /api/v5/deviceLabels/label_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The "label_id" in the path corresponds to the “id” in the device_label object from the Device Label List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Device Label Delete method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A single JSON object confirming the operation completed successfully:

  "success": true

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