How-to Overview
The Kentik KB includes a couple different approaches to helping you accomplish specific tasks:
- How-tos: Most specific are our procedural topics, which are each a set of step-by-step instructions for accomplishing a given individual task. These topics are integrated into articles on the same subject (e.g. the Add a Device topic in the Network Devices article). The KB includes hundreds of these hot-tos; to browse or search for them click the How-Tos link at the top of the KB's Contents tab.
- Using…: The KB also includes a set of "Using…" articles that cover, more broadly, the use of a given aspect of Kentik. In some cases these articles are more like case studies that walk you through a given application of Kentik (e.g. Using Interface Classification); in other cases they are more high-level overviews of how a given technology is used in our product (e.g. Using MPLS). These articles are found on the Contents tab in the Platform section of the KB, under Using Kentik.