The management of subscriptions in the Kentik portal is discussed in the following topics:
Note: To create a subscription directly from a portal module, see Portal View Sharing.

About Subscriptions
Subscriptions enable you to share information from the Kentik portal by emailing it on a recurring schedule to a specified set of recipients. You can set up a subscription in a few different ways:
- Subscription dialog: On the Subscriptions page, open the Subscription dialog by clicking the Add Subscription button, then fill in the fields (see Add a Subscription).
- Share dialog: On any portal page with a Share button in the SubNav (see Portal Page Layout), click the button to open the Share dialog, then fill in the Subscription tab (see Sharing by Subscription). The portal modules in which you can set up a subscription are listed in Sharable Views.
- Subscribe dialog: On portal pages with an Actions button in the SubNav (see Portal Page Layout), if Subscribe is available on the Actions menu you can open the Subscribe dialog, which has the same settings as the Subscription tab in the Share dialog (see Sharing by Subscription).
Subscriptions Page
The Subscriptions page is covered in the following topics:
About the Subscriptions Page
The Subscriptions page is home to the Subscriptions List, which shows your organization’s active subscriptions. To access the page, choose Report Subscriptions from the Organization Settings menu on the portal's main navbar.
Note: While member-level users can access the page, view subscriptions, subscribe, or unsubscribe, only Admin-level users can add, edit, or remove report subscriptions (see About Users).
Subscriptions Page UI
The Subscriptions page includes the following UI elements:
- Add Subscription: A button (visible only to Admin-level users) that opens a Subscription Dialog where you can add a subscription.
- Show/Hide Filters: A button (filter icon) that toggles the Filters pane between expanded and collapsed.
- Search: A field that shows lozenges for the filters currently set in the Filters pane and enables you to enter text. The Subscriptions list will be filtered to show only rows in which there's a match between the entered text and the Title or Recipients columns. Click the X at the right of the field to clear entered text, and the X in a lozenge to clear the corresponding filter.
- Filters: A pane with controls that narrow the subscriptions shown in the Subscriptions list (see Subscriptions Filters).
- Subscriptions list: A table listing your organization’s current subscriptions (see Subscriptions List).
Subscriptions Filters
The Filters pane at the left of the Subscriptions List narrows the list to subscriptions that match specified criteria. The Filters pane includes the following controls:
- Type: Radio buttons that filter the list of subscriptions to show:
- All subscriptions: All subscriptions within your organization will be displayed in the Subscriptions List.
- Only my subscribed reports: Only subscriptions to which you subscribe will display.
- Subscriptions shared externally: Only subscriptions shared outside of the organization will display. - Export Source: Checkboxes that narrow the list to subscriptions that originate from the checked types of portal locations (see Sharable Views).
- Frequency: Checkboxes that narrow the list to subscriptions that are sent to subscribers at the checked intervals.
- Report File Type: Checkboxes that narrow the list to subscriptions that are sent in the checked file format: PDF or CSV (see Portal Export Options).
Subscriptions List
The Subscriptions list is a table that lists all active report subscriptions for your organization. To change the sort order of the list, click a heading to select a column, and click the resulting blue up or down arrow to choose the sort direction (ascending or descending).
Subscriptions List Columns
The Subscriptions list includes the following columns:
- Title: The name given to the subscription.
- Export Source: The kind of portal view (dashboard, saved view, etc.) from which the report was created (see Sharable Views).
- Frequency: The interval (Daily, Weekly, etc.) at which the report is sent to subscribers (see Schedule in Subscription Tab UI).
- Recipients: The subscribed email addresses. If there are too many addresses to fit, an ellipsis appears at the right of the field.
- Last Report Sent On: The date that the most recent report was sent to subscribers. Hover over the date for a tool tip with the full date-time (UTC).
- Last Edited: The date on which the subscription was last edited. Hover over the date for a tool tip with the full date-time (UTC).
- Created: The date on which the subscription was created. Hover over the date for a tool tip with the full date-time (UTC).
- Actions: A drop-down menu from which you can choose to edit, subscribe/unsubscribe, or remove the subscription (see Subscriptions Actions).
Note: Only Admin-level users can edit or remove a subscription.
Subscriptions Actions
The following actions are available from the Action menu that pops up from the vertical ellipsis at the right of each row:
Edit (Admin-level users only): Opens a Subscription Dialog that allows you to change the subscription information (see Edit a Subscription).
- Subscribe: Opens a dialog enabling you to confirm that you wish to be added to the subscription (using your Kentik-registered email address).
- Unsubscribe: Opens a dialog enabling you to confirm that you wish to be removed from the subscription. This option is inactive if you're not already subscribed.
Note: If you are the only recipient of a subscription and you unsubscribe, that subscription will not display in the Subscriptions list. - Remove (Admin-level users only): Opens a confirmation dialog in which you can remove the subscription from your organization’s collection of subscriptions.
Subscription Dialog
Adding or editing a subscription via the Subscriptions page involves specifying information in the fields of the Subscription dialog, which is covered in the following topics.
Note: The Subscription dialog is visible only to Admin-level users.

Subscription Dialog UI
The Subscription dialog includes the following UI controls:
- Cancel: A control — either the X at the upper right or the Cancel button at the lower right — that exits the dialog while leaving all settings as they were when it was opened.
- Share: Saves the dialog’s current settings and exits the dialog.
Subscription Dialog Fields
The fields of the Subscription dialog are the same as the fields on the Subscription tab of the Share dialog, covered in Subscription Tab UI, except that there is no Manage Subscriptions link at the top of the dialog.
Manage Subscriptions
A subscription can be managed on the Subscriptions Page (accessed via the Organization Settings menu) or added/edited in the portal location whose information you'd like to share via a subscription (see Sharable Views). Managing from the Subscriptions page is covered in the following sections:
Add a Subscription
To add a new subscription:
- Open the Subscriptions page from the Organization Settings menu on the portal's main navbar.
- Click the Add Subscription button to open the Subscription dialog.
- Specify the values of the fields in the dialog (see Subscription Dialog Fields).
- Save the new subscription by clicking the Share button (lower right).
Edit a Subscription
To edit the settings for an existing subscription:
- Open the Subscriptions page from the Organization Settings menu on the portal's main navbar.
- In the Subscriptions List, find the row corresponding to the subscription you’d like to edit, then click the vertical ellipsis at the right of the row to open the Action menu.
- Choose Edit. The Subscription dialog will open.
- Edit the subscription settings by changing any fields that you'd like to modify (see Subscription Dialog Fields).
- To save changes, click the Share button (lower right).
Remove a Subscription
To remove a subscription from your organization’s list of subscriptions:
- Open the Subscriptions page from the Organization Settings menu on the portal's main navbar.
- In the Subscriptions List, find the row corresponding to the subscription you’d like to edit, then click the vertical ellipsis at the right of the row to open the Action menu.
- Choose Remove, then click Remove in the resulting confirmation dialog.