Auto-acknowledgements are covered in the following topics:
About Auto-acknowledgement
Acknowledging an alert indicates to other users that you are aware of that alert. With auto-acknowledgement, you can set a duration for which all subsequent instances of a given alert (triggered by a given policy threshold and based on the same key) will be acknowledged automatically. During this duration, the Ack State of the alert will be indicated as "Auto-acked" in all locations where Ack state is displayed, and the alert will be listed on the Auto-acknowledgements Page.
The duration for auto-acknowledgement is set in the Acknowledge Alert Dialog when you Auto-acknowledge an Alert. The minimum duration is one hour; the maximum is seven days for member-level users or one year for admin-level users. This duration can be changed on the Auto-acknowledgements page.
Auto-acknowledgements Page
The Auto-acknowledgements (Auto-acks) page is covered in the following topics:

Auto-acks Access
To access the Auto-acknowledgements (Auto-acks) page, from the portal’s main menu, either:
- Hover over Settings to view the Settings submenu, then select Auto-acknowledgements, or
- Click Settings to open the Settings page, then click Auto-acknowledgements (under Alerting).
Auto-acks Page UI
The Auto-acknowledgements (Auto-acks) page has the following UI elements:
- Breadcrumbs (on subnav): An indicator of your current location within the Kentik portal.
- Favorite: A star to the left of the page title that allows you to add this page to the Favorites Tab of the Portal Search.
- Auto-ack list: A table listing all auto-acks (current and expired) within your organization (see Auto-ack List).
Auto-ack List
The rows of the Auto-ack list each represent an alert for which a user in your organization has created an auto-acknowledgement (auto-ack). The list can be sorted (ascending or descending) by clicking the headings of the table's Policy, Expires, or Created by columns.
The list provides the following information and actions for each auto-acknowledgement:
- Matching: The type and conditions (dimension/value pairs) that triggered the original alert from which the auto-ack was created (i.e. the policy dimensions for a threshold alert, or the up/down status for an up/down alert).
- Comment: The comment, if any, entered for the auto-ack when it was created. The user who added the comment will see the following buttons below it:
- Edit: A button that allows you to edit the comment.
- Remove: A button that opens a confirmation dialog in which you can remove the comment. Once you remove a comment you can't add another to the same auto-ack.
Note: Changing a comment in the Auto-ack list will not affect the alert's comments in the Alert Details Drawer or the Alert Details Page Sidebar. - Policy: The policy of the alert from which the auto-ack was created. Click the link to go to the alert’s Edit Policy page.
- Expires: The date-time of the end of the auto-acknowledgment duration for this alert, which displays in red if the date-time is in the past. Beneath the date-time is one of the following:
- The remaining duration, in parentheses (if the auto-ack is active);
- How long ago the auto-acked expired (if past). - Created by: The user who created the auto-ack.
- Edit (pencil icon): A button that opens the Edit Auto-acknowledgment dialog (see Edit Auto-ack Dialog), where any user in your organization can specify a different ending date-time.
- Remove (trash icon): A button that opens a confirmation dialog that allows you to delete the auto-ack.
Edit Auto-ack Dialog
The Edit Auto-acknowledgement dialog enables you to change the date-time at which an auto-acknowledgement (auto-ack) will expire. Accessed by clicking the Edit button at the right of each row in the Auto-ack list, the dialog contains the following UI elements:
- Cancel: A button - X at top right or Cancel at bottom - that closes the dialog without changing the expiration date-time of the auto-acknowledgement.
- Auto-acknowledgement expires: A field that shows the 24-hour date-time at which the auto-acknowledgement is set to expire. Clicking the field will pop up a calendar:
- To change the expiration date, edit the field or select a new date from the calendar.
- To change the time, edit the field. - Expiry notification (only when the date-time is past): An orange box that tells you that the expiry date is in the past.
- Save: A button that saves your changes and exits the dialog.

- Member-level users can set an auto-ack to a maximum of seven days in the future. Admin-level users can set an auto-ack of up to one year.
- If you enter a date-time that's already passed the change will not be saved and an error message will be shown when the dialog is closed.
Manage Auto-acks
Once an auto-acknowledgement is created (see Auto-acknowledge an Alert) you can perform the following tasks on the Auto-acknowledgements Page:
Edit an Auto-ack
You can edit or remove an auto-ack’s comments or adjust its expiration date-time from the Auto-acknowledgements Page, which you can access from the Settings submenu of the portal’s main menu (see Portal Main Menu).
Note: You cannot edit the conditions that will trigger an auto-acknowledged alert.
Edit a Comment
To edit an auto-ack’s comment:
- In the Auto-ack list on the Auto-acknowledgements page, find the auto-ack comment that you’d like to modify, then click Edit.
- In the now-editable Comment field, make the necessary changes.
- Click the Save button.
Note: Only the user who added the auto-ack’s comment can edit it.
Remove a Comment
To remove an auto-ack’s comment:
- In the Auto-ack list on the Auto-acknowledgements page, find the auto-ack comment that you’d like to remove, then click Remove.
- In the confirmation dialog, click Remove. The Comment column for the auto-ack will now display two dashes in place of the removed comment.
- Only the user who added the comment can remove it.
- Once an auto-ack’s comment is removed, you cannot add another comment.
Reset Auto-ack End Date
To change the expiry of an auto-acknowledgement:
- In the Auto-ack list on the Auto-acknowledgements page, find the auto-ack whose expiry date you’d like to modify, then click the Edit button (far right of the row). The Edit Auto-ack Dialog will open.
- Click the Auto-acknowledgement expires field to display a popup calendar from which you can set the duration for the auto-ack.
Note: Member-level users can set the duration to a maximum of seven days in the future and admin-level users can set the duration for up to one year (365 days). - Click the Save button to save the auto-ack and close the dialog.
Remove an Auto-ack
To remove an auto-acknowledgement (auto-ack) from the Auto-Ack list:
- In the Auto-ack list on the Auto-acknowledgements page, find the auto-ack you’d like to remove.
- Click the Remove button.
- Click the Remove button in the resulting confirmation popup. The auto-ack will be permanently removed from your organization.