OTT Service Tracking
The OTT Service Tracking module is covered in the following topics:
- About OTT Service Tracking
- OTT Service Tracking Page
- OTT Overview Tab
- OTT Capacity Tab
- OTT Configuration Page
- Service Category Details
- Service Provider Details
- Service Details Pages

About OTT Service Tracking
The following topics provide a high-level look at Kentik's OTT Service Tracking module:
OTT Service Tracking Overview
Purpose: | Associate traffic with OTT services and providers to understand the services used on your organization's network, correlate performance issues to services, and optimize pricing to reflect subscriber usage. |
Benefits: | - Reveal the origins and growth of network traffic and evaluate the competitiveness of in-house offerings. - Analyze usage patterns across customer segments to optimize plans and pricing. - Improve customer service outcomes by providing subscribers with better information. |
Use Cases: | - Detect and analyze “content events” to provide timely and efficient guidance for network operations teams. - Evaluate OTT utilization metrics for specific categories of users and delivery methods (e.g. CDNs, interconnection types, or PoPs). - See Mbps-per-subscriber for a given OTT service to understand the services footprint and impact. - Evaluate the ramifications of zero-rating specific content providers. - Support customer retention by identifying problematic user experiences related to delivery of individual OTT services. - Understand suspicious traffic from or between users to assess potential legal liability. - Receive notification of performance issues with a given OTT service or provider. |
Relevant Roles: | Network Engineers, Network Strategists, Marketing Leaders, Security Leaders, Executives |
The OTT Service Tracking workflow enables you to track traffic for the various categories of OTT services reaching your subscribers (video, gaming, social media, etc.), to see top-X breakdowns of OTT providers in each category, and to drill down into traffic details for individual services and providers. These capabilities are vital for engineering leaders and network strategists at eyeball ISPs as they work to plan and maintain reliable, performant, and cost-effective transport of content to their subscribers.
Kentik OTT Engine
The OTT Service Tracking module is enabled by True Origin, Kentik's OTT service tracking engine, which evaluates and correlates traffic to identify sources of OTT traffic coming to your network via OTT services. The traffic is broken down by three OTT dimensions - OTT Service Name, OTT Service Category (also referred to as service type), and OTT Provider Name - and details are extracted for each detected instance of each dimensions type (i.e. for each service, each category, and each service provider).
OTT Service Tracking Metrics
The source of the metrics presented in the OTT Service Tracking module varies depending on the context in which the metrics are presented:
- The values (e.g. traffic bitrates) exposed in the Capacity tabs of the OTT module are based on SNMP OID Polling and (unless otherwise stated) represent maximum bitrates (not average or 95 percentile), meaning the bitrate during the time-slice (see Table Time-slicing) with the highest volume of traffic during the currently selected time range.
- All other traffic values are based on flow data (e.g. NetFlow) from flow records that are classified (see OTT Classification Values) by matching to DNS based on source/destination IPs (see Using True Origin).
OTT Service Tracking Access
Access to OTT Service Tracking depends on the edition and plans in your organization's Kentik license (see About Licenses). If the module isn't included in your Kentik license you'll see a notification that the workflow is not enabled for your account. To enable access to the module, contact Customer Success (see Customer Care).
OTT Service Tracking Page
The OTT Service Tracking page includes the following main sections and controls:
- Breadcrumbs (in the subnav): An indicator of your current location within the Kentik portal. As you drill down deeper you can click on a breadcrumb to go back to a higher level.
- Share (on subnav): A button that opens the Share dialog (see Sharing via the Share Dialog).
- Actions (on subnav): A drop-down from which you can choose Export to download a visual report (PDF) covering the page’s visualizations and tables. A notification appears when the PDF is ready to download.
- Favorite: A star to the left of the page name that allows you to add this page to the Favorites tab of the portal search (see Portal Search Tabs).
- Configure: A button to access the OTT Service Tracking Configuration page (see OTT Configuration Page), where you’ll find the Thresholds (see OTT Thresholds Tab) and Advanced Filtering tabs (see OTT Advanced Filtering Tab).
- Time Range: A selector at the top right from which you choose the duration, back from the present, for which traffic information is calculated and displayed (Last Day, Last Week, Last 2 Weeks, Last 30 Days).
- Display area: The main display area of the page contains the following tabs:
- Overview (default): Information about the categories, providers, and services that make up the OTT service traffic on your organization's network over a user-specified time range (see OTT Overview Tab).
- Capacity: Information, by OTT service category, about the utilization (in relation to capacity) of the interfaces on the devices on your organization's network that handle traffic related to OTT services (see OTT Capacity Tab).
OTT Overview Tab
The Overview tab of the OTT Service Tracking page is covered in the following topics:
OTT Overview UI
The Overview tab of the OTT Service Tracking page includes the following main sections and controls:
- Total OTT Traffic pane: A high-level view of the OTT services used on your network (see Total OTT Traffic).
- Top Categories list: A table listing OTT service categories ranked by their traffic volume on your network over the selected time range. Each row provides information about an OTT Category represented in your traffic (see Top Categories List).
- Top Providers list: A table listing OTT service providers ranked by their traffic volume on your network over the selected time range. Each row provides information about an OTT Service Provider represented in your traffic (see Top Providers List).
- Top Services table: A list, in order of per-service traffic volume, of the services associated with the traffic coming into your network (see Top Services Table).
Total OTT Traffic
The Total OTT Traffic pane, which gives a high-level view of the OTT services provided via your network, includes the following elements:
- OTT engine: Information about the current state of our OTT engine, including the number of services, the number of providers, the number of categories, and the time of the last OTT engine update.
- OTT bitrate: The maximum bitrate, based on flow data, of all types of OTT traffic over your network during the currently selected time range (top right corner of pane).
- Bar chart: A visual breakdown based on the extent to which Kentik was able to classify your traffic (identify OTT dimensions) according to the classifications in OTT Classification Values. Each segment is labeled with the percentage it represents of the total traffic as well as its bitrate.

Top Categories List
The Top Categories list is a table listing your organization's top eight (8) categories of OTT services (service types), ordered by traffic bitrate (max reported by SNMP). Each table row presents the following information for each category:
- Ranking: The position, based on traffic bitrate, of this category in your organization’s ranking of OTT service categories.
- Expand/Collapse: Toggles the visibility of a table listing the top X services whose service category matches this category. The table includes the service logo, name, and max SNMP-reported bitrate during the currently selected time range. Click a name to go to the Details page for that service.
- Category: The name of the service category (e.g. video, gaming, social). Click a category to go to a Details page for that service category (see Service Category Details).
- Traffic volume: The maximum volume of traffic matching the category during the selected time range.
- Traffic trend: The percent change in traffic volume for this category during the selected time range (appears underneath the traffic volume).
- Traffic chart: A sparkline chart illustrating fluctuations of the volume of traffic for this category during the selected time range.
Top Providers List
The Top Providers list is a table listing your organization’s top eight (8) providers of OTT services, ordered by traffic bitrate. Each table row presents the following information for each provider:
- Ranking: The position, based on traffic bitrate, of this provider in your organization's ranking of OTT service providers.
- Expand/Collapse: Toggles the visibility of a table listing the top X services from this provider. The table includes the service logo, name, and max SNMP-reported bitrate during the currently selected time range. Click a name to go to the Details page for that service.
- Service Provider: The name of the Service Provider (e.g. Microsoft, Netflix, Google, Sony). Click the name to go to a Details page for that provider (see Service Provider Details).
- Traffic volume: The volume of traffic transported to your network by the service provider.
- Traffic trend: The percent change in traffic volume for this service provider over the time range.
- Traffic chart: A sparkline chart illustrating fluctuations over the time range in your volume of traffic matching this service provider.
- Logo: The logo of this provider.
Top Services Table
The Top Services table lists, in order of max SNMP-reported bitrate, the services associated with the traffic coming into your network. The table may be filtered using the Classification Types field.

The table includes the following columns:
- Traffic sparkline: A visual representation of traffic volume for the service over the time range, so you can quickly scan for peaks indicating traffic events.
- OTT Service: The name of the service, which may or may not be known depending on the classification. Click the name to go to a Details page for that service (see Service Details Pages).
- OTT Service Category: The category (service type) of the service. If the service is classified as Provider-only or Pending, it displays as “unknown”. Click the name to go to a Details page for that category (see Service Category Details).
- OTT Service Provider: The provider of the service. If the service is classified as Pending, it displays as “unknown”. Click the name to go to a Details page for that provider (see Service Provider Details).
- Classification: The OTT classification of the service by the Kentik engine (see OTT Classification Values).
- Max Gbits/s: The traffic volume from the CDN via this service during the interval (aggregation step; see Time Rounding) with the highest traffic volume.
- Max Unique Dst IPs: The number of unique destination IPs via this service during the interval (aggregation step) with the highest count of destination IPs.
- Max Gbits/s per dst ip: Calculated by computing the bitrate per IP for each interval (aggregation step) and comparing to find the highest result.
- The time slices (aggregation steps) used to calculate the above maximum values vary depending on the currently selected time range (see OTT Service Tracking Page), with a longer time range resulting in longer intervals.
- Click View in Data Explorer to navigate to Data Explorer (in the same tab), where the controls will be set to show the table traffic as a visualization.
OTT Classification Values
The Classification column shows the extent to which Kentik has been able to classify the OTT Service Name, OTT Service Category, and OTT Provider Name (represented in KDE as Application Context and Security dimensions). The state of this classification for a given service is indicated with the following values:
- Full: We identified OTT Service Name, OTT Service Category, and OTT Provider Name.
- Provider-only: Only the OTT Provider can be identified with certainty, because the provider simultaneously offers multiple OTT services under a single hostname to the same subscriber destination IP from the same server.
- Pending: Assigned to hostnames that generate a lot of traffic but for which we haven’t yet been able to establish a matching pattern for an OTT service. Bucketing these hostnames separately enables True Origin to continue evaluating this traffic for patterns, which enables the engine to learn to capture more and more OTT services.
- Unknown: We were unable to identify OTT Service Name, Type, or Provider because no match was found between DNS queries/responses, hostname patterns, and flow source/destination IPs.
Classification Types
The Classification Types field shows a lozenge for each OTT service classification types (see OTT Classification Values) that's been selected for inclusion in the list:
- When no types are selected, services of all classification types appear in the list.
- To select a type, click in the field and choose the type from the resulting popup.
- To remove a type, click the X in the type's lozenge.
OTT Capacity Tab
The Capacity tab of the OTT Service Tracking page shows you the health (utilization vs. capacity) of the interfaces over which your network carries the traffic that Kentik has classified as OTT (see OTT Classification Values). The tab includes the following main elements:
- Hide healthy services: A switch at top right:
- When on (default), the tab's panes include treemaps only for services whose traffic is more than 25% from over-utilized interfaces.
- When off, the tab's panes show treemaps for all OTT services. - Service category panes: A series of panes that each correspond to an OTT service category (see OTT Service Category Panes).

OTT Service Category Panes
Each pane includes the following UI elements:
- Category: The category of OTT service detailed in this pane (also referred to as service type). Click the category name to go to a Details page for that category (see Service Category Details).
- Health indicator: One lozenge for each health status found in the interfaces carrying traffic that is classified as belonging to this service category. Each lozenge indicates the number of interfaces whose status corresponds to the color of the lozenge: green for Healthy, orange for Warning, or red for Critical.
- Service name: The individual service(s) listed for each category. Click the name to go to the Details page for that service (see Service Details Pages).
- Treemap: One treemap diagram for each individual service in the category. The individual areas within each treemap represent the interfaces used for that service. If a service uses more than one interface, the size of the areas in its treemap will represent the relative volume (max bitrate during the currently selected time range) of the traffic for that service that is going over the various interfaces. The color of each interface’s area corresponds to the interface’s health as defined by the thresholds specified with the OTT Thresholds Tab.
OTT Configuration Page
The OTT Service Tracking Configuration page, which is accessed by clicking the Configure button on the OTT Service Tracking page, allows you to configure both OTT thresholds and advanced filtering for the OTT module. This page is covered in the following topics:
OTT Configuration Page UI
The OTT Service Tracking Configuration page includes the following UI elements:
- Breadcrumbs (in the subnav): An indicator of your current location within the Kentik portal. As you drill down deeper you can click on a breadcrumb to go back to a higher level.
- Favorite: A star to the left of the page title that allows you to add this page to the Favorites tab of the portal search (see Portal Search Tabs).
- Tabs: A set of two tabs that each provide settings to configure OTT Service Tracking:
- Thresholds: A tab that enables you to set interface utilization thresholds (see OTT Thresholds Tab).
- Advanced Filtering: A tab that determines how the OTT workflow is filtered (see OTT Advanced Filtering Tab).
OTT Thresholds Tab
The Thresholds tab enables you to set the points at which the utilization for a given interface - expressed as a percentage of that interface's capacity (SNMP derived) - is elevated to a status of Warning or Critical. A dual-slider control sets the following:
- Warning threshold (left slider): The percentage of capacity above which actual utilization will trigger a status of Warning. Interfaces whose traffic volume is above the Warning threshold (but below the Critical threshold) will be indicated in orange on the Capacity tab.
- Critical threshold (right slider): The percentage of capacity above which traffic volume will trigger a status of Critical. Interfaces whose traffic volume is above the Critical threshold will be indicated in red on the Capacity tab.
- Save: Saves your modified settings. If you navigate away from this page without clicking Save, your settings will not be saved.

OTT Advanced Filtering Tab
Kentik recommends that customers make no modifications to this tab without first checking with their Customer Success representative. |
Service Category Details
The details page for an individual service category is accessed from the OTT Service Tracking landing page. Click any category displayed in the Top Categories List or under the OTT Service Category column in the Top Services Table. The details page for an individual service category provides detailed information about the traffic of that service category coming to your network.

The details page for a service category includes the following UI elements:
- Share (on subnav): A button that opens the Share dialog so you can share the current view (see Sharing via the Share Dialog).
- Actions (on subnav): A drop-down from which you can choose Export to download a visual report (PDF) covering the page’s visualizations and tables. A notification appears when the PDF is ready to download.
- Favorite: A star to the left of the page title (category name) that allows you to add this page to the Favorites tab of the portal search (see Portal Search Tabs).
- Category Name: The category whose details page you are viewing.
- Time Range: A selector at the top right from which you choose the duration, back from the present, for which traffic information is calculated and displayed (last day, last week, last 2 weeks, last 30 days).
- Services by Total Traffic: A pane showing traffic information about the top services matched to this category by the Kentik OTT engine (see Top Category Services).
- Services by Max bits/s: A table listing the services in this service category that transport traffic to your network (see Category Services by Bitrate).
Top Category Services
The Top Services by Total Traffic pane includes the following elements:
- Total traffic: A field showing the combined maximum bitrate, during the currently selected time range, of all of this category's OTT services.
- Traffic by service: A horizontal bar chart showing the maximum bitrate of each of this category's services.
- View in Data Explorer: A button that takes you to Data Explorer, where the Query sidebar will be set to show the same traffic that's shown in the chart.
Category Services by Bitrate
The Services by Max bits/s table lists the services of this service category that are transporting traffic to your network. The table includes the following columns:
- Sparkline: A visual representation of traffic volume for the service over the currently selected time range.
- OTT Service: The name of the service. The name is a link to a Details page for that service (see Service Details Pages).
- OTT Provider: The name of the provider of the service. The name is a link to a Details page for that provider (see Service Provider Details).
- Max: The max traffic bitrate for the service.
- Traffic by Connectivity Type: A breakdown of the max traffic bitrate for each service by connectivity type (Embedded, IX, Free Peering, etc.; see Understanding Connectivity Types).
Service Provider Details
The details page for an individual service provider is accessed from the OTT Service Tracking landing page. Click any provider displayed in the Top Categories List or under the OTT Service Provider column in the Top Services Table. The details page for an individual service provider provides detailed information about the traffic of that service provider coming to your network.

The details page for a service category includes the following UI elements:
- Share (on subnav): A button that opens the Share dialog so you can share the current view (see Sharing via the Share Dialog).
- Actions (on subnav): A drop-down from which you can choose Export to download a visual report (PDF) covering the page’s visualizations and tables. A notification appears when the PDF is ready to download.
- Favorite: A star to the left of the page title (provider name) that allows you to add this page to the Favorites tab of the portal search (see Portal Search Tabs).
- Provider Name: The provider whose details page you are viewing.
- Time Range: A selector at the top right from which you choose the duration, back from the present, for which traffic information is calculated and displayed (last day, last week, last 2 weeks, last 30 days).
- Top Services by Total Traffic: Information about traffic on the top OTT services matched to this provider by the Kentik OTT engine:
- Total traffic: A field stating the combined maximum bitrate, during the currently selected time range, of all of this provider's OTT services (upper right corner of pane).
- Traffic by service: A horizontal bar chart showing the maximum bitrate of each of this provider's services. - Traffic by Connectivity Type: A bar chart in which each colored segment represents a connectivity type (see Understanding Connectivity Types). The segments are each labeled with their type, the percent of traffic of that type, and the volume of your traffic of that type from this provider, measured at the time of peak overall traffic volume within the currently selected time range.
- Traffic analytics: A Sankey diagram detailing the paths by which the traffic attributed to this OTT service provider is reaching your network. The diagram's View in Data Explorer button takes you to Data Explorer, where the Query sidebar will be set to show the traffic that's shown in the diagram.
- Provider Services by Max bits/s: A table listing the services that transport traffic to your network that are provided by this provider (see Provider Services by Bitrate).
Provider Services by Bitrate
The Provider Services by Max bits/s table lists the services from this provider that are transporting traffic to your network. The table includes the following columns:
- Sparkline: A visual representation of traffic volume for the service over the currently selected time range.
- OTT Service: The name of the service. The name is a link to a Details page for that service (see Service Details Pages).
- OTT Service Category: The name of the category of the service (also referred to as service type). The name is a link to a Details page for that category (see Service Category Details).
- Max: The max traffic bitrate for the service.
- Traffic by Connectivity Type: A breakdown of the max traffic bitrate for each service by connectivity type (Embedded, IX, Free Peering, etc.; see Understanding Connectivity Types).
Service Details Pages
The Details pages for individual OTT services are covered in the following topics:
Service Details Access
The details page for an individual OTT service is accessed from the OTT Service Tracking landing page. Click on the name of the service in any of the following locations:
- In the OTT Service column of the Top Services Table
- Under an expanded provider in the Top Providers List
- Under an expanded category in the Top Categories List
Service Details UI
The Details page for an individual service provides detailed information about the traffic coming to your network from that service. The UI for these pages includes the following elements:
- Breadcrumbs (in the subnav): An indicator of your current location within the Kentik portal. As you drill down deeper you can click on a breadcrumb to go back to a higher level.
- Share (on subnav): A button that opens the Share dialog (see Sharing via the Share Dialog).
- Actions (on subnav): A drop-down from which you can choose Export to download a visual report (PDF) covering the page’s visualizations and tables. A notification appears when the PDF is ready to download.
- Favorite: A star to the left of the page title (service name) that allows you to add this page to the Favorites tab of the portal search (see Portal Search Tabs).
- Time Range: A selector at the top right from which you choose the duration, back from the present, for which traffic information is calculated and displayed (last day, last week, last 2 weeks, last 30 days).
- Service Details tabs: Four tabs that display information about the service (see Service Detail Tabs).
Service Detail Tabs
Information about the service is presented on the following four tabs:
- Overview: Basic information about the traffic plus information that provides context on how this service compares with others (see Service Details Overview).
- Connectivity: Details about how the traffic for this service reaches your network (see Service Connectivity Details).
- Subscribers: Details on the unique destination IPs consuming traffic related to this service (see Service Subscribers Details).
- Capacity: Details about the utilization and health of the interfaces via which the traffic for this service comes into your network (see Service Capacity Details).
Service Details Overview
The Overview tab of the details page for individual services includes the following main UI elements:
- Category: A lozenge indicating the category of the service (Video, Gaming, Social, etc.).
- Provider: A lozenge indicating the name of the OTT service provider that provides this service.
- Logo: The logo of the service or the service's provider.
- Total Inbound + Embedded: The max bitrate (SNMP) during the currently selected time range.
- Offload: The percentage of this service's traffic that comes from embedded caches, measured at the time of peak traffic volume within the time range.
- Traffic by Connectivity Type: A bar chart in which each colored segment represents a connectivity type (see Understanding Connectivity Types). The segments are each labeled with their type, the percent of traffic of that type, and the volume of your traffic of that type from this service, measured at the time of peak overall traffic volume within the currently selected time range.
- Rankings: A set of cards detailing the rank of the the peak traffic volume of this service compared to that of other services:
- Service by volume: The rank of this service overall in comparison to your other OTT services.
- Service in category: The rank of this service in comparison to other services within the same service category.
- Service delivered by provider: The rank of this service in comparison to other services provided by the same OTT service provider.

Service Connectivity Details
The Connectivity tab of the Details page for individual services includes the following main UI elements:
- Traffic by Connectivity Type: A bar chart in which each colored segment represents a connectivity type (see Understanding Connectivity Types). The segments are each labeled with their type, the percent of traffic of that type, and the volume of your traffic of that type from this service, measured at the time of peak overall traffic volume within the currently selected time range.
- Breakdown: A tabbed chart that shows the traffic for this service from various perspectives (see Service Traffic Breakdown).
- Digital Supply Chain: A Sankey diagram illustrating the path via which traffic for this service comes from its source AS to your network.
Service Traffic Breakdown
The tabbed Breakdown chart shows the traffic for this service from the following perspectives:
- Source CDN: The commercial name of a CDN used by this service, which is derived from the source IP of traffic attributed to the service (see About Provider Classification).
- Connectivity: The connectivity type of the traffic for this service (see Connectivity Type Attribute).
- Providers: The provider via which the interfaces with traffic from this service connect to the Internet (see About Provider Classification).
- Sites: The sites in your organization's network in which there are devices/interfaces handling traffic from this service (see Sites).
In each chart you can use the View in Data Explorer button to go to Data Explorer, where the Query sidebar will be set to show the same traffic that's shown in the chart.

Service Subscribers Details
The Subscribers tab of the details page for individual services includes the two panes covered in the topics below. When measuring subscribership for a given OTT service, Kentik's True Origin engine uses the metric Max Unique Count of Destination IPs (computed from flow data; see Metrics from All Devices) as a proxy for subscriber IPs.

Overall Subscribership
This pane, which presents information related to the unique destination IPs consuming traffic related to this service, includes following controls and displays:
- Compare with Category leader: A checkbox used to modify the Traffic chart to either include (checked; default) or exclude (unchecked) traffic from the service with the highest traffic volume in the same category as this service.
Note: Not present if this service is the category leader. - Show total Category traffic: A checkbox used to either include (checked; default) or exclude (unchecked) a plot on the chart that represents the total traffic volume for this category.
- Daily Subscribers: The average number of unique destination IP addresses per day to which content for the service was delivered during the currently selected time range, plus the percent change in that number.
- Avg Performance Per Subscriber: The total average bitrate over the currently selected time range divided by the number of unique destination IP addresses to which content for the service was delivered during that time range.
- Subscribers chart: A chart showing the count of unique destination IPs that consumed traffic related to this service over the currently selected time range. Depending on the settings of the checkboxes above, the subscriber counts for the category leader and for the category as a whole may also be plotted. Hover over the chart at any point in the time range to see the count at that time.
- Ranking list: The position, based on subscriber count, of this service compared to other OTT services in the same category. Click on any service listed to go to that service’s Service Details page.
Performance Analysis
This pane, which shows various breakdowns of the bitrate per subscriber for this OTT service over the selected time range, includes following controls and displays:
- Breakdown by: A drop-down from which you select the analysis that will be charted. The resulting charts may be single-level or dual-level (see Charts below).
- Swap levels (arrows icon): This button, shown only when the Breakdown by setting calls for dual-level charting, allows you to swap levels (e.g. switch from "Site then Provider" to "Provider then Site").
- Aggregate on: A drop-down from which you select the aggregation (Average, 95th Percentile, or Maximum) used to calculate the bitrate for the time slices in the currently selected time range.
- Charts: One or more line charts (depending on the Breakdown by setting) showing the bitrate per subscriber over the currently selected time range:
- Single-level chart: If Breakdown by is set to a single-level value (Site, Provider, or Connectivity Type) there will be a single chart with a plot for each instance of the selected chart subject (e.g. for each site when the setting is Site).
- Dual-level charts: If Breakdown by is set to a dual-level value (e.g. "Site then Provider") then there will be an individual chart for each of the top-level entities (e.g. each site) on which the lines for the lower-level entities (e.g. providers) are plotted. - View in Data Explorer: Takes you to Data Explorer, where the controls will be set to show the same traffic that's shown in the chart.
- Bitrates are per subscriber WAN IP (computed from flow data), so multiple subscribers within the same household will be counted as one.
- The Avg/95p/Max bitrates shown in the charts are the bitrates one would see in Data Explorer for each unique destination IP (exclusive of IPs for embedded caches) on traffic filtered to include only Network Boundary = External OR Connectivity Type = Embedded Cache.
Service Capacity Details
The Capacity tab of the Details page for individual services includes the following main UI elements:
- Capacity treemap: A treemap diagram for the service in which the individual areas each represent an interface used for that service (see Capacity Treemap).
- Per device capacity analysis: A series of panes, one for each device, that provide information about the utilization of the interfaces on the device that carry traffic for this service (see Per-device Capacity).
Capacity Treemap
The Capacity Treemap pane shows the interfaces via which your organization's users consume traffic related to a given service. If a service uses more than one interface, the size of each block in the treemap will represent that interface's relative share of the service's overall traffic volume (max bitrate during the currently selected time range). The color of each interface's block corresponds to that interface's health as defined by the thresholds specified with the OTT Thresholds Tab.

Treemap Popup
When you hover over a block in the treemap, a popup will appear with the following information:
- Device name: The name of the device on which the interface exists. Click the device name to go to that device’s Core Details page (see Core Details Pages).
- Site: The site in your organization's network in which the interface's device is located (see Sites).
- Bitrate: The max bitrate (during the currently selected time range) of the traffic for this service on this interface.
- Interface name: The name of the interface. Click the interface name to go to that interface’s Core Details page (see Core Details Pages).
- Interface description: The description (from SNMP unless edited within Kentik) of the interface.
Note: If the description for a logical interface has been derived from a parent interface it will be labeled "Inherited from physical." - Connectivity type: The connectivity type of the traffic for this service (see Connectivity Type Attribute).
- Provider: The provider via which the interface connects to the Internet, if available (see About Provider Classification).
- Utilization chart: A meter showing the peak utilization of this interface (all traffic) as a percent of capacity.
Per-device Capacity
The Per-device Capacity Analysis pane includes a pane for each device that handles traffic for this service. Each device pane includes the following UI elements:
- Device name: The name of the device on which the interface exists. Click the name to expand the pane, revealing a list of the device's interfaces.
- Bar chart: A horizontal bar representing the interfaces on the device that carry traffic for this service:
- The interfaces are grouped into colored segments by health status (Healthy = green, Warning = orange, Critical = red), which is determined by an interface's overall utilization (not only utilization by this service).
- The length of each segment is determined by the combined volume of traffic for this service on all interfaces in the group. - Traffic volume: The peak bitrate during the currently selected time range of traffic on this device related to the service.
- Interfaces: An expandable list of the interfaces on this device that carry traffic for this service (see Service Interfaces List).

Service Interfaces List
The list of interfaces carrying traffic for a given service is a table in which each expandable row includes the following elements:
- Expand/Collapse: Expands/collapses the interface's row to show/hide the Interface Traffic Charts.
- Bitrate: The max bitrate (during the currently selected time range) of the traffic for this service on this interface.
- Interface name: The name of the interface.
- Interface description: The description (from SNMP unless edited within Kentik) of the interface.
Note: If the description for a logical interface has been derived from a parent interface it will be labeled "Inherited from physical." - Connectivity type (blue lozenge): The connectivity type of the traffic for this service (see Understanding Connectivity Types).
- Provider (green lozenge): The provider via which the interface connects to the Internet (see About Provider Classification).
- Utilization chart: A meter showing the peak utilization percent, peak traffic volume (all traffic), and capacity of this interface.
Interface Traffic Charts
Each interface in the Service Interfaces List has a set of line charts that you can show/hide with the expand/collapse toggler at the left of its row. The charts show different breakdowns of traffic on the interface over the currently selected time range:
- Interface Traffic & Capacity: A plot of the entire traffic on the interface (not just the service-related traffic) over the currently selected time range.
- Subscribers: A plot of the number of unique destination IPs for the service found in the traffic on this interface.
- AVG Mbps / unique subscriber: A plot of the bitrate of service-related traffic on this interface over the currently selected time range divided by the number of unique destination IP addresses to which content for the service was delivered during the time range.