Agent Management
The Agent Management page of the Kentik portal's Synthetics section is covered in the following topics:
- About Agent Management
- Agent Status
- Private Agent Deployment
- Agents Map
- Agents List
- Agent Details Sidebar
- Configure Agent Dialog

About Agent Management
Kentik’s synthetic testing capabilities are enabled by ksynth, a family of Kentik software agents that can be deployed within your infrastructure as well as elsewhere around the Internet. Kentik offers two distinct types of ksynth agents (see Synthetics Agent Types), each of which may be used in either public ("global") or private deployments (see Synthetics Agent Deployments).
The Agent Management page lets you see and manage all currently deployed ksynth agents, public, and private. The location of these agents, filterable by type, is shown on the Agents Map. A filterable Agents List (table) provides information about each agent (including status) and allows you to activate an agent, edit its configuration, or remove it. You can also add private agents on this page using the Deploy Private Agent pane across the top.
Agent Status
A deployed agent can be in one of the following states, which are indicated by status icons at various places in the Synthetics UI:
- Active (green checkmark circle): The agent is activated and current.
- Pending: The agent has been installed but not yet registered or activated:
- Network agent: See Network Agent Activation.
- App agent: See Activate App Agent. - Update Available (blue up-arrow circle): The agent is not the latest version.
Note: Starting with version 0.0.4, ksynth can be set to update automatically using the --update argument (see Agent Subcommand Arguments). - Warning or Offline (orange triangle): Kentik has never received test data from this agent, or the agent has been offline for between five minutes and one hour.
- Critical or Offline (red caution hexagon): Either Kentik has never received test data from this agent, or the agent has been offline (no results received) for 60 minutes or more.
Agent Management Page
Synthetics agents are managed in the Kentik portal on the Agent Management page, which you’ll find under Synthetics in the main navbar. The page includes the following main UI elements:
- Export (on SubNav): A drop-down menu with two options for sharing agent details:
- Export PDF: Export a PDF of the current state of the page. Kentik will prepare the report and display a notification indicating that the report is ready. When you click the provided link, your browser will handle the download to your local machine.
- Email Report: Opens a dialog in which you provide the name and email address of a recipient, as well as a subject line and a message for the email itself. Once you've entered the requested information, click the Send button to send the email. - Deploy a Private Agent: A button that expands into a pane in which you can activate a new private agent (see Private Agent Deployment).
- Agents map: Shows the physical location of ksynth agents, both public and private, throughout the world (see Agents Map).
- Agents list: A tabbed table providing information about ksynth agents (see Agents List).
- Filters pane: A set of filters that determine what’s displayed in the Agents List (see Agents List Filters).
- Agent Details pane: A sidebar that slides out from the right edge of the page and provides details on an individual agent (see Agent Details Sidebar).
Private Agent Deployment
While public/global agents are deployed by Kentik for use by all customers, private agents are deployed by each customer for their own exclusive use (see Synthetics Agent Deployments). Deploying a private agent involves first downloading and installing the desired ksynth agent (see Synthetics Agent Types), then activating it from the Deploy A Private Agent pane. If the pane is collapsed, you can expand it by clicking the Deploy a Private Agent button at the top right of the Agent Management page.
The expanded pane includes the following buttons:
- View Setup Procedures: Opens the Private Agent Setup dialog (see Private Agent Setup).
- Enter Challenge Code: Opens the Register Agent dialog (see Enter Challenge Code).

Private Agent Setup
The Private Agent Setup dialog provides setup procedures for ksynth agent deployment. The procedures vary depending on both the agent type and the deployment approach, which may be via package or Docker. The dialog opens with a choice between agent types, either network or app. After selecting the agent type, you'll be able to choose a deployment option, either Debian/Ubuntu package, RPM package, or Docker. You'll then be presented with step-by-step instructions for installation and registration.

The installation and activation tasks covered by the procedures in this dialog are also explained in the KB. For instructions, choose one of the following agent types:
- Network agent: Network Agent Setup.
- App agent: About App Agent Setup.
Enter Challenge Code
Depending on your ksynth installation process, you may need to register each agent individually in the portal in order for it to be activated. To do so you get a challenge code from the agent and enter the code on the Agent Management page by clicking the Enter Challenge Code button, which opens the Register Agent dialog. When you enter the code in the dialog and click the Register button the agent instance corresponding to the entered code will be automatically registered and will appear in the Private Agents tab of the Agents List.
For specific information about activation for a given agent type, see:
- Network agent: See Network Agent Activation.
- App agent: See Activate App Agent.
Agents Map
The Agents map shows the physical location of ksynth agents throughout the world, both public agents and private agents. Hovering on a shown agent opens a popup with identifying information about that agent. Scrolling or double-clicking on any point in the map zooms the display into the clicked area.
The Agents map is filterable using the checkboxes in the Markers pane, which enables you to show or hide agents by type. Within the global agents type you have the option of showing or hiding sets of public cloud agents based on the cloud provider. When all cloud providers are unchecked, the remaining global agents are those that Kentik has installed in data centers in key Internet hubs worldwide (Hosted agents). As various types of agents are shown or hidden the map will zoom automatically to include all of the agents that are still shown.
Agents List
The Agents list, a tabbed table providing information about ksynth agents (both public and private) is covered in the following topics:

Agents List Labels
Kentik's labeling feature enables you to create a label (essentially a property whose value is text) and apply it to one or more of your synthetic tests, creating a group of tests that can be referred to (e.g. filtered for) collectively rather than individually. The controls for this feature of the Agents list are the same as for the Label Controls in the Test Control Center.
Agents List Tabs
The Agents list tabs are included for each of the following types of agents:
- Pending Agents: The agents in your Kentik system that have not yet been registered. Present only if you have pending agents.
- Private Agents: Every Kentik customer can deploy as many instances of ksynth as they care to in their own on-prem and/or cloud infrastructure (no additional license required). These private agents are for the exclusive use of the customer who deploys them (not available to other Kentik customers).
- Global Agents: All agents in the Kentik Global Agent Network, a worldwide network of Kentik-maintained ksynth agents (hosted in data centers and public clouds) that enables performance testing to and from key Internet hubs worldwide.
- App Agents: A subset of our Kentik-maintained global agents, app agents run an instance of Headless Chromium, which allows Google Chromium to run in a headless/server environment. App agents are capable of performing advanced web-layer tests including full browser page load.
- Broadband Agents: A subset of our Kentik-maintained global agents, broadband agents are connected to broadband service providers to provide a true "end-user view" of network performance. Many are running in real end-user homes and as such may be less reliable than our Global and Public Cloud agents, which run in data centers or public cloud regions.
- Public Cloud Agents: A subset of global agents, showing only agents deployed in the infrastructure of key cloud service providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, OCI, etc.).
Agents List Columns
The columns of the Agents List, which vary depending on the tab of the table, provide the following information for each of the above types of agents:
- Name: The agent’s name, as well as its type, status, public IP address, and any assigned labels (see Agents List Name Column).
- Agent Type: Displays whether the agent is an “app agent” (see Synthetics App Agent) or a “network agent” (see Synthetics Network Agent), which was deprecated as of December 2022 (see Synthetics Agent Types).
Note: The word “type” as applied to an agent can have different meanings depending on the context; see Agent Type. - Location: The location where the agent is deployed, typically either a datacenter or a cloud region.
- IP Address: The public IP address assigned to the agent.
- Private IP: The private (local) IP address, if any, assigned to the agent in the Configure Agent Dialog.
- ASN: The name and number of the Autonomous System in which this agent is located.
- Region: The cloud provider region (e.g. "US West") in which the agent is located.
- Tests: The number of tests currently defined in your organization for this agent.
- IP Version: The IP version(s) tested by the agent.
- Version: The ksynth version number of the agent (green if latest, orange if out of date).
The table below shows which columns appear in the tab for each type of ksynth deployment.
Columns | Pending Agents | Private Agents | Global Agents | App Agents | Broadband Agents | Public Cloud Agents |
Name | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Agent Type | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Location | No | Yes | No | No | No | No |
IP Address | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Private IP | No | Yes | No | No | No | No |
ASN | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Region | No | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Tests | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
IP Version | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Version | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Agents List Name Column
Each cell in the Name column of the Agents list includes several pieces of information:
- Agent type: An indicator that shows the Agent Type. See the tab labels of the Agents list to see what each icon looks like.
- Name: For public agents, this is the Kentik-assigned name. For private agents, this is by default the name of the agent's host, but you can assign a different name with the ksynth CLI (see Agent Subcommand Arguments).
- Status: The current Agent Status displayed as an icon.
- Public IP Address: The IP address for all synthetic traffic on this agent.
- Labels: Any labels assigned to the agent in the Configure Agent Dialog (private agents) or directly on the Agents list (all agents).
Agent Type
In both the Kentik UI and this KB, the term “agent type” may, depending on context, refer to either of the following
- Capability: The Agent Type column in the Agents list refers to the capability of the agent, either App or Network (see Synthetics Agent Types).
- Deployment: In the context of deployment, the agent’s type corresponds to its “location” or network type, e.g. Private, Global, Broadband, or Public Cloud (see Agents List Tabs).
Agents List Filters
The Filters pane to the right of the Agents list enables you to filter the list using the following fields and controls:
Reset to Default: Resets filters to their default setting. Appears only when filters are currently applied.
- Search (magnifying glass icon): Filters the Agents list to show only those agents whose name, IP address, or site name contains the entered string.
- ASN: A drop-down from which you can choose an ASN for which agents will be shown in the Agents list. Multiple ASNs can be selected.
- Region: A drop-down from which you can choose a region for which agents will be shown in the Agents list. Multiple regions can be selected.
- Country: A drop-down from which you can choose a country for which agents will be shown in the Agents list. Multiple countries can be selected.
- Labels: A drop-down list of labels from which you can choose (or remove) one or more labels.
- IP Version: A drop-down list of IP versions from which you can choose (or remove) one or more version.
Agent Details Sidebar
The Agent Details sidebar, which appears when you click on an agent in the Agents List, is covered in the following topics:
Details Sidebar UI
The Agent Details sidebar includes the following main UI elements:
Agent ID: The Kentik-assigned unique ID number of the agent.
- Expand/Collapse: A button that takes you to a full-screen view of the agent details provided in the sidebar. To return to the Agent Management page, use your browser’s back button.
- Agent type: An indicator showing if the agent is global (Kentik icon) or private (private agent icon).
- Agent name: The name of the agent, either globally (public agents) or within your organization (private agents).
- Activate (only for a private agent that isn’t yet activated): A button that opens the Activate Agent dialog, which is the same as the Configure Agent Dialog.
- Configure (activated private agents only): A button that opens the Configure Agent Dialog.
- Remove (activated private agents only): A button that opens a confirming dialog allowing you to remove the agent from your organization’s collection of deployed agents.
- Agent tab: Details about the agent (see Agent Details Tab).
- Tests tab: A searchable list of the agent’s currently active tests (see Agent Tests Tab).
- Alerts tab: A bar chart and table that detail the agent’s alerts for the selected timeframe (see Agent Alerts Tab).
- Downtime tab: A bar chart and table that detail the agent’s errors and downtime for the selected timeframe (see Agent Downtime Tab).
Note: If the agent whose details you’re viewing is on the Pending Agents tab of the Agents List and has not yet been registered, you will see the following blue information box above the sidebar tabs asking you to finish registration.
Agent Details Tab
The Agent tab of the Agent Details sidebar provides the following information related to this agent:
- Version (private agents only): The ksynth version of this agent.
- IP Address: The agent’s public IP address and its private IP (if any has been assigned to a private agent via the Private IP field in the Configure Agent Dialog).
- Host OS: (private agents): The type (e.g. Linux Ubuntu) and version of the server on which the agent is deployed.
- ASN: The name and number of the AS in which the agent is deployed.
- Activated: The date on which the agent was activated (see Private Agent Deployment) and the Kentik user who activated it.
- Location: The location of the agent:
- Private agents: Name and location (city, country) of the site where the agent is deployed.
- Global agents: Name (set by Kentik) and, if applicable, cloud region where the agent is deployed.
Note: A map showing the agent’s location displays below the agent’s information.
Agent Tests Tab
The Tests tab of the Agent Details sidebar provides a list of the currently active tests involving this agent.
The Tests tab includes the following UI elements:
- Search: A field into which you can enter text to narrow the listed tests.
- Test: A column heading that sorts the test type groups to either ascending or descending order.
- Test type group: Expandable/collapsible groups that contain tests of that type (see Synthetics Test Types).
- Test name: The name of the synthetic test to which this agent is assigned. Click on a test to go to the Test Details Page for that test in the Test Control Center.
Agent Alerts Tab
The Alerts tab of the Agent Details sidebar provides details about any alerts that were triggered by tests run on the selected agent. You can use the Time Range, Status, and State controls to filter which alerts are shown in the bar chart and Agent Alerts log.
Alerts Tab Settings
Across the top of the Alerts tab is a control set that specifies what is to be shown in the chart and the table below:
- Time Range: Opens the Time Range Control, which sets the time period for which information is displayed (default: Last 1 Day).
- Status: A drop-down with which you can choose the severity of the alerts to show: All, Warning, or Critical.
- State: A drop-down with which you can choose the state of the alerts to show: All, Active, or Cleared.
- Cancel (x): A button that resets the Time Range, Status, and/or State drop-downs to their last saved settings.
- Apply (checkmark): A button that saves the current Time Range, Status, and State settings and applies them to the chart.
Note: Changes made with the above controls are not visible in the chart and table until applied with the Apply button.
Alerts Tab Displays
The following elements show information about alerts that correspond to the settings made with the Alerts Tab Settings:
- Chart: A bar chart in which each segment represents one time slice within the time span specified with the Time Range selector. The bars shown in each slice are determined by the applied Status and State settings. The number of alerts is measured on the vertical axis and time is measured on the horizontal axis.
- Incidents: A count of the alerts reported during the most recent time slice (default) or the time slice last selected (hovered-over) in the chart.
- Time (UTC): The start time of the most recent time slice (default) or the time slice last selected in the chart.
- Alerts log: A table listing the alerts reported during the most recent time slice (default) or the time slice last selected in the chart (see Agent Alerts Log).
Agent Alerts Log
The Agent Alerts log provides information about any alerts triggered during the currently selected (e.g. last hovered over) time slice in the chart. The columns of the Agent Alerts log include:
- Status: An icon representing the severity of the alert:
- Orange dot: Warning alert
- Red dot: Critical alert - State: An icon representing the state of the alert:
- Green checkmark: The alert has been cleared.
- Red bell: The alert is active. - Test: The name of the test for which an alert was triggered. Click the test name to go to that test’s Test Details Page.
- Test type: Appears in parentheses to the right of the alert’s test name.
- Duration: The start and end date-time of the alert, if applicable.
Agent Downtime Tab
The Downtime tab of the Agent Details sidebar provides details for any issues this agent experiences when Status Alerting and Notifications is enabled in the Configure Agent Dialog (see Downtime under Agent Property Settings).
Downtime Tab UI
The Downtime tab includes the following UI elements:
- Time Range: Opens the Time Range Control, which sets the time period covered by the Alerts tab (default: Last 6 hours).
- Chart: A bar chart that displays all errors during the selected timeframe. The number of errors is measured on the vertical axis and time is measured on the horizontal axis.
- Selected Time (Local): The date/time that is selected on the chart, the data for which is displayed in the Downtime log. The default is the most recent 5-minute increment.
- Errors: A summary of the errors reported during the last time frame selected (hovered over) in the chart.
- Downtime log: The list of errors that occurred during the timeframe selected on the chart. The columns of the list include:
- Error: The type of error reported (i.e. Agent offline).
- Timestamp: The start and end time (if applicable) of the error. Click the column heading to reorder the errors in ascending or descending order.
Configure Agent Dialog
The Configure Agent dialog and the nearly identical Activate Agent dialog enable you to set certain properties of a ksynth private agent. The dialog is covered in the following topics:
Note: This dialog is accessed via the Configure button in the Agent Details Sidebar.
Configure Agent UI
The Configure Agent dialog includes the following UI elements:
- Properties: The fields and controls that determine the basic properties of the agent (see Agent Property Settings).
- Cancel: A button — X at top right or Cancel at bottom — that closes the dialog without saving changes. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Save: A button that saves changes to agent settings and exits the dialog.
Agent Property Settings
The following fields and controls set the basic properties of a private ksynth agent:
Name: Your organization's name for the agent. By default, this is the name of the agent's host.
Note: This property can also be set at installation via the ksynth CLI (see Agent Subcommand Arguments).- Site: A control set for associating the agent with a site (see About Sites), which would typically be the location of the ksynth agent's host, whether that’s a data center or a VPC in a cloud provider):
- Site: A filterable drop-down from which to choose a site.
- Create a New Site: A button that opens additional controls (see Create a New Site Controls) with which you can create a new site if a site hasn't yet been defined for the location of the agent host. - Cloud Provider: A drop-down from which to choose a cloud provider (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.) if the agent is hosted in a cloud resource (otherwise leave as "None"). Choosing a provider shows the following additional controls, which are otherwise hidden:
- Cloud Region: A filterable drop-down from which to choose the region within the specified cloud provider where the agent is hosted.
- Cloud Virtual Network: A field in which to enter a description of the VPC in which the agent is deployed. - Private IP(s): Fields into which you can enter an optional private (local) v4 and/or v6 IP address for the agent. A private IP allows you to establish agent-to-agent or agent mesh tests using your internal network via the Use Agent Private IPs setting in the Target and Agents tab of a test's settings page:
- Private IPv4: Shown when IP Versions Supported is set to v4 only or v4 + v6.
- Private IPv6: Shown when IP Versions Supported is set to v6 only or v4 + v6. - IP Versions Supported: A drop-down to choose the type of IP addresses that will be supported by the agent: IPv4 only, IPv6 only, or both (default). This is particularly useful for agents that will be used for tests of type Hostname or ASN, where there could be a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
- Labels: A field showing the labels, if any, currently applied to this agent. Click in the field to drop down a filterable list from which you can choose one or more labels to apply (see Agents List Labels). The applied labels will be added to the field. To remove a label, click on the X at its right.
- Add/Edit: A link that takes you to the settings page for Labels, where you can create a label to apply to this agent.
- Status Alerting and Notifications: A switch that shows the Agent Alerting and Notifications controls used to enable and configure alerting and notifications for this agent.
- Maintenance Mode: A switch that shows the Maintenance Mode controls used to enable and configure a pause in data collection and alerts for tests that use this agent as well as a pause in the agent’s own status alerts.
Create a New Site Controls
The following controls, shown when you click the Create a New Site button, are used to enter the information required for the new site:
- Site Name: A field for the name of the new site.
- Street Address: A field for the street address of the physical location of the site.
- Use an Existing Site: A button that will clear and hide the above fields if you decide to choose a site from the Site drop-down instead of creating a new site.
Agent Alerting and Notifications
The following controls, shown only when the Status Alerting and Notifications switch is on, configure alerting and notification for the agent, including the amount of downtime that will generate a notification and the channel(s) to which it will be sent:
- Downtime: Set the length of continuous downtime that will result in a notification (default = 5 minutes):
- Number of units: A field into which you can enter the number of time units.
- Duration of units: A drop-down from which you can select the time unit, either a minute (default) or a second. - Notification Channel (Optional): A field showing the notification channels, if any, currently applied to this agent. Click in the field to drop down a filterable list from which you can choose one or more channels to use for notifications. The applied channels will be added to the field. To remove a channel, click on the X at its right.
- Add New: Opens the Add Notification Channel dialog, where you can configure a new notification channel in your organization (see Notification Settings). When you click Add Notification Channel in that dialog the new channel will be automatically added to the agent.
Maintenance Mode
When enabled, the Maintenance Mode switch in the Configure Agent Dialog pauses agent status alerts, and data collection and alerts for tests that use this agent. Once enabled, the following controls are available:
- Maintenance Window: A drop-down that shows the date-time range of the maintenance window. Click to pop up the Maintenance Window Controls.
- Start Time (present only when Never Expire is on): A field stating the date-time at which maintenance mode will start. Click in the field to edit its text or choose a start date from the calendar popup.
- Never Expire: A switch (default = off) that, when on, sets the maintenance mode to continue indefinitely (no ending date-time).
- Expires in: A lozenge that indicates when (or if) maintenance mode is set to expire.
Maintenance Window Controls
The following controls open by clicking the Maintenance Window field:
- Start and End Date: Input fields that show the start and end date-times of the maintenance window, which may be entered either using the calendar or directly in the datetime format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.
- Calendar: A popup in which you can click to set the start and end date-times.
- Apply: A button to set the maintenance window to the date-times specified in the Start Date and End Date fields. This is only visible if the date-time is modified after opening the dialog.
- Cancel: A button to leave the maintenance window as it was before the controls were opened. This is only visible if the date-time is modified after opening the dialog.