Kentik Cloud
The Kentik Cloud page is covered in the following topics:
Note: For general information about monitoring your cloud resources with Kentik, start with Cloud Overview.

About Kentik Cloud
The Kentik Cloud page is accessed by clicking the Cloud heading on the main menu of the Kentik portal. The page displays a curated set of visualizations (a.k.a. "widgets") designed to provide a high-level overview of various aspects of your cloud traffic and infrastructure. The visualizations can be rearranged on the page by grabbing the title bar of any visualization and dragging it to a new position.
Note: Widgets are currently provided for AWS, Azure, and GCP. OCI-specific widgets are coming soon.
Kentik Cloud UI
The Kentik Cloud page includes the following main functional elements:
- Show: At the right of the page's title bar, this control lets you show all visualizations in the display area or show only those related to an individual cloud provider.
- Display area: The area in which all of the individual visualizations are displayed.
On each individual visualization, the title bar includes the following additional elements:
- Information: An icon over which you can hover to pop up a brief explanation.
- Action (vertical ellipsis): A button at the right that pops up the View in Data Explorer option, which takes you to Data Explorer, where the Query pane will be populated with the settings used to create the visualization.
Kentik Cloud Visualizations
At present the Kentik Cloud page includes the following visualizations that are common to multiple cloud providers:
- Cloud Traffic Overview: Visualizations, each on a separate tab, of Total traffic volume as well as the volume of traffic matching each of the following traffic profiles (see Simple Traffic Profile):
- Inbound: Traffic that originates outside your network and terminates inside your network.
- Outbound: Traffic that originates inside your network and terminates outside your network.
- Internal: Traffic that both originates and terminates inside your network.
- Through: Traffic that both originates and terminates outside your network.
- Other: Traffic that is not classified by the above profiles (see Traffic Classified as Other).
Note: For more detail about the traffic on each tab, use the View in Data Explorer button. - Insights Overview: Insights help you by finding interesting issues with your data and configurations (see Insights & Alerting).
- Public Cloud Flow: Shows how your flow logs translate to flows/second and lets you view your total flow consumption in one glance.
- All Regions (present for Azure, AWS, and GCP): Shows the total traffic volume on the cloud environment and a breakdown by traffic profile.
- Gateway Traffic (present for Azure and AWS): Shows increases and decreases in utilization for the various types of gateways present in your infrastructure. Unexpected increases of outbound traffic can lead to higher data transfer costs.
- Entity Explorer (present for Azure and AWS): A breakdown of the various provider-specific network entities and components related to your cloud resources.
Provider-specific Widgets
The following additional visualizations are shown only if your organization has registered a cloud in Kentik from the corresponding provider:
- AWS InterVPC Traffic by Transit Gateway: A table providing a top-X breakdown of the traffic that is being routed through your transit gateways.
- AWS Security Group Reject Actions: A table that lists source and destination VPCs between which your environment is rejecting traffic. Useful for security analysis and connectivity troubleshooting.