Site and Plan APIs

The network assets APIs of the Kentik V5 Admin APIs are covered in the following topics:

- For an overview of all Kentik APIs, see APIs Overview.
- For information on using APIs with cURL, see API Access Via cURL.
- For documentation of the V5 Query API, see V5 Query API.
- For documentation of the V5 Alerting APIs, see V5 Alerting APIs.
- For assistance using any API version, contact


About Site and Plan APIs

The Kentik V5 Admin APIs allow programmatic management of settings in the Admin section of the Kentik portal, includes the following:


Site API

Note: Member-level users only have access to the GET methods of this API.

The Site API allows management of your company's sites in Kentik (see About Sites). The methods for managing sites are covered in the following topics:

For information on adding and managing sites via the Kentik portal, see Add or Edit a Site.
- To make calls to this API using cURL, see API Access Via cURL.
- The V5 API tester was discontinued in January 2025.

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Calls to the Site API return an HTTP response body with a site JSON object, or an array of such objects for the Site List call. The object consists of the fields (name/value pairs) shown in the following example:

  "site": {
    "id": 2,
    "site_name": "LAX",
    "lat": 33.7700504,
    "lon": -118.1937395,
    "company_id": 1289

Each site object contains fields with information about an individual site registered to your organization in Kentik. These fields are described in the following table:

JSON name Type Description
id number The system-assigned ID of the site.
site_name string User-supplied name string for the site.
- Valid characters: alphanumeric, spaces, and underscores.
- Length: min=3, max=40.
lat number The latitude of the site.
- Valid values: min=-90, max=90.
lon number The longitude of the site.
- Valid values: min=-180, max=180.
company_id number The system-assigned ID of the customer.

Note: In the portal, the settings represented by the name/value pairs above are configured in the Site Settings.

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Site List

The Site List GET method retrieves a list of your sites in Kentik, presented as a JSON array where each element corresponds to an individual site.

Note: The "id" in the site object can be used in subsequent calls to retrieve, update, or delete that site.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italics):

Request GET /api/v5/sites HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Site List method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A response body with a JSON site array, where each element is a site object containing information about one of your organization’s sites.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in a site object, see Site JSON.

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Site Info

The Site Info GET method retrieves information about a single site, identified by its ID, from your list of sites in Kentik.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request GET /api/v5/site/site_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

The "site_id" in the path corresponds to the "id" in the site object from the Site List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Site Info method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A JSON site object containing information about the site specified by site_id.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in a site object, see Site JSON.

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Site Create

The Site Create POST method adds a new site to your sites in Kentik.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request POST /api/v5/site HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

The following parameters are passed in a JSON object in the request body:

JSON name Type Description
site_name string Required: User-supplied name string for the site.
- Valid characters: alphanumeric, spaces, and underscores.
- Length: min=3, max=40.
lat string Required: The latitude of the site.
- Valid values: min=-90, max=90.
lon string Required: The longitude of the site.
- Valid values: min=-180, max=180.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Site Create method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A JSON site object containing information about the newly-added site.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in a site object, see Site JSON.

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Site Update

The Site Update PUT method modifies data for a specific site, identified by its ID, from your list of existing Kentik sites.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request PUT /api/v5/site/site_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The "site_id" in the path corresponds to the "id" in the site object from the Site List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

Parameters to be updated are included in a JSON site object with only the fields to be changed. The following example shows an update to a site’s name:

  "site": {
    "site_name": "SFO"

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Site Update method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A JSON site object containing information about the newly-updated site.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in a site object, see Site JSON.

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Site Delete

The Site Delete method removes a specific site, identified by its ID, from your collection of Kentik sites.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italic):

Request DELETE /api/v5/site/site_id HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

- The "site_id" in the path corresponds to the "id" in the site object from the Site List array.
- If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Site Delete method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code 204 (no content)

Plan API

The Plan API allows for programmatic management of your organization's Kentik plans (see About Licenses), and is covered in the following topics:

To view information on your organization's plans, go to the Licenses Page (Menu » Licenses) of the Kentik portal.
- To make calls to this API using cURL, see API Access Via cURL.

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Calls to the Plan API return an HTTP response body with a "plans" JSON array containing all your current plans. The following example shows a single plan ("Default") that supports three device types and includes three assigned devices:

  "plans": [
      "id": 550,
      "company_id": 1289,
      "name": "Default"
      "description": "This is the default plan to which your devices should be added.",
      "active": true,
      "max_devices": 75,
      "max_fps": 4000,
      "bgp_enabled": true,
      "fast_retention": 120,
      "full_retention": 120,
      "cdate": "2016-10-27T00:35:42.652Z",
      "edate": null,
      "max_bigdata_fps": 30,
      "deviceTypes": [
          "device_subtype": "router"
          "device_subtype": "host-nprobe-basic"
          "device_subtype": "host-nprobe-dns-www"
      "devices": [
          "device_name": "superx4",
          "device_subtype": "router",
          "id": "1206"
          "device_name": "superx2_readnews_com",
          "device_subtype": "router",
          "id": "4806"
          "device_name": "host_nprobe_basic",
          "device_subtype": "host-nprobe-basic",
          "id": "8937"

Note: The returned JSON may not include all fields shown above, depending on the defined filter groups and individual filters in a plan.

Each plan object provides information on an individual plan. The structure of this object is described in the following topics.

Plan Object

The highest level in the hierarchy of a plan, containing the following elements:

JSON name Type Description
id number The system-assigned unique ID of the plan.
company_id number The system-assigned unique ID of your organization.
name string A name for the plan. Every Kentik customer is initially provided with a plan called "Default."
Note: Plan names are assigned by the Kentik sales team in coordination with customers and are not necessarily unique. If multiple plan objects return with the same name, check the value of the "active" field to see which plan is active.
description string An optional description of the plan.
active boolean Indicates if the plan is currently activated.
max_devices number The maximum number of devices that can send flow records to Kentik under this plan.
max_fps number Per device limit on flow records per second that can be sent to Kentik (excess FPS may trigger rate-limiting).
bgp_enabled boolean Indicates whether or not devices on this plan may be peered to enable Kentik to collect BGP routing data.
fast_retention number The number of days that data will be stored in the Fast dataseries.
full_retention number The number of days that data will be stored in the Full dataseries.
cdate string The system-assigned date-time of filter creation, in UTC (ISO 8601), e.g. 2015-01-27T01:39:17.186Z
edate string The system-assigned date-time of most-recent modification, in UTC (ISO 8601), e.g. 2015-01-27T01:39:17.186Z
max_bigdata_fps object Max FPS applied to fast data rollups. See About Dataseries Resolution.
deviceTypes array The types of allowed devices. See DeviceTypes Array.
devices array The devices currently assigned to this plan. See Devices Array for Plans.

DeviceTypes Array

JSON name Type Description
device_subtype string A type of device that sends flow records to Kentik.
- Valid values: see Device Subtypes.

Devices Array for Plans

An array of device objects is present, each containing a subset of elements from the full device object (see Device JSON). Each device in the array represents a device assigned to this plan. The table below lists the included elements.

JSON name Type Description
device_name string The user-assigned name of a device associated with this plan.
device_subtype string A type of device that sends flow records to Kentik.
- Valid values: see Device Subtypes.
id number The system-assigned unique ID of a device associated with this plan.

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Plan List

The Plan List GET method retrieves a JSON array of plans saved by users in your organization, with each element representing an individual plan.

HTTP Request

The following table shows the path and HTTP request for this call (placeholders in italics):

Request GET /api/v5/plans HTTP/1.1
X-CH-Auth-API-Token: user_api_token
X-CH-Auth-Email: user@domain.suffix
Content-Type: application/json

Note: If your organization is registered on Kentik's EU cluster, use in place of in the URL above.

HTTP Response

A successful response from the Plan List method includes the following elements:

  • Response headers
  • HTTP response code
  • A response body with a JSON array with an element containing information for each saved plan in your organization.

Note: For details of the JSON name/value pairs in each element of the array, see Plan JSON.

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