Kentik licenses are covered in the following topics:
Note: The Plans Page from the Kentik v3 portal is now deprecated and current plans are listed on the v4 Licenses page.

About Licenses
A Kentik license represents the level of service specified in the agreement between you and Kentik. A license involves two main components:
- Edition: The overall set of features and capabilities included in your Kentik services (see Kentik Editions).
- Plans: A specified set of services to be provided by Kentik (see About Plans). The specific characteristics of the plan depend on the type of service to be provided.
Kentik Editions
Kentik currently offers the following editions:
- Kentik Essentials: A minimally configured solution that uses UniversalPaks to easily scale customer deployments whether they are on-premises, in the cloud, or a combination of the two.
Note: Kentik Essentials replaces the Kentik Standard Edition. - Kentik Pro: The core Kentik platform, which enables you to proactively manage network events, automate service assurance, plan network utilization and peering, and respond to traffic anomalies that impact network performance, availability, and security.
- Kentik Premier: Our most feature-rich solution builds on the foundation of Kentik Pro while protecting your network with threat detection and third-party mitigation options and also providing in-depth understanding of how your customers are using the network, including OTT analytics.
- For additional information on editions, see the Plans & Pricing page of the Kentik website.
- If your edition doesn't correspond to either Essentials, Pro, or Premier your company may either be using an old pricing model or a “Custom” edition. For more information, contact your Kentik Account Team (the members of which are viewable on your Licenses page).
Kentik Plans
Kentik plans are covered in the following topics:
About Plans
Plans are configured by Kentik and are not editable by customers. The level of service in a plan is represented as a set of values for plan attributes. All customers have at least one plan, often named “Default.”
As you register your data sources with Kentik you must assign each to a specific plan. The plans to which your devices belong are shown on the Licenses Page, where you’ll find the attributes of each plan (see Plans Pane) and the devices that are assigned to it. To access this page, choose Licenses from the Organization Settings menu on the portal's main navbar.
Note: For assistance with your organization’s plans, contact Kentik (see Customer Care).
Kentik Plan Services
Kentik services are currently offered in the plans listed below. For more detail on these plans and their available add-ons, please refer to the Plans & Pricing page of the Kentik website.
- FlowPak: Monitoring, analytics, and alerting for flows from devices such as routers and hosts. The "Default" plan is a FlowPak plan (see Flow Overview), except for the Essentials edition, which exclusively uses UniversalPaks.
- CloudPak: Monitoring, analytics, and alerting for flow logs from a cloud service provider like AWS, GCP, Azure, or OCI (see Cloud Overview).
- UniversalPak: Available only with the Essentials Edition, the UniversalPak simplifies scaling options by combining the CloudPak and FlowPak, allowing you to easily monitor both on-prem and the Cloud.
- Synthetics: Testing of latency, packet loss, and jitter conducted using Kentik's ksynth software agents, deployed globally or privately (see Synthetics Overview).
- My Kentik Portal: A limited, customer-branded version of the Kentik portal, which a Kentik customer can make available to its own external or internal customers (see My Kentik Portal).
- Service Provider: Available as an add-on for your plan. If your organization isn't currently subscribed to this add-on then this pane will be grayed out.
Licenses Page
The Licenses page, which enables Kentik users to see the details of their Kentik service, is covered in the following topics:
Note: To access this page, choose Licenses from the Organization Settings menu on the portal's main navbar.
Edition Pane
The Edition pane provides the following information about your organization's Kentik edition and how it's currently being used:
- Edition name: The name of your edition (see Kentik Editions).
- Account number: Your account number with Kentik.
- Dashboards: The number of dashboards (see About Dashboards) currently used in your organization out of the total number supported by your edition, e.g. "65 of 500."
- Scheduled Reports: The number of scheduled reports (see Report Subscriptions) currently used in your organization.
- Users: The current number of Kentik users (see Manage Users) in your organization out of the total number supported by your edition, e.g. "25 of 1,000."
- Custom Dimensions: The number of Custom Dimensions currently used in your organization out of the total number supported by your edition, e.g. "7 of 10."
- Custom Populators: The number of custom populators (see Manage Dimensions and Populators) currently used in your organization out of the total number supported by your edition, e.g. "38 of 100."

Plans Pane
The Plans pane contains a collection of cards, each of which represents an individual FlowPak, CloudPak, or UniversalPak that your organization has purchased from Kentik. Each card contains the information fields covered below.
General Information
The following general information is provided on the left side of each card:
- Type: The type of plan (e.g. FlowPak or CloudPak).
- Name: Kentik's name for this plan. The name is not unique to your organization. Also shown, in parentheses, is the ID of this plan.
- Description: A brief description of the plan.
- Usage: A meter showing usage of this plan; the metric varies depending on plan type (see Plan Usage Metrics).
Plan Usage Metrics
The metric shown by the usage meter varies depending on plan type:
- FlowPak: The number of devices used out of the total devices available under the plan, e.g. "72 of 250."
- CloudPak: The max flows/second over last 24 hours, as a number and as a percent of the max allowed by the plan. Click the View in Data Explorer icon to open Data Explorer (in a new browser tab) filtered to show the total traffic from all of the data sources assigned to this plan.
- UniversalPak: As the UniversalPak can be used as either a CloudPak or a FlowPak, the information contained on its card covers both devices and flows (as detailed above).
- Synthetics: The percentage used of this month's testing credits.
- My Kentik Portal: The number and percent of tenants out of the max tenants allowed under the plan.
- Service Provider: An add-on that provides you with subscriber analytics (OTT, CDN, and Market Intelligence). If grayed out, your organization hasn't subscribed to this add-on.
Device and Cloud Information
The following information is provided in the fields at the right of the card for a FlowPak, CloudPak, or UniversalPak:
- Max FPS (not present for Synthetics or MKP): The maximum flows/second supported by the plan.
- Data Sources (CloudPaks only): The current number of Kentik-registered devices/clouds (see Network Devices) assigned to this plan out of the total number supported by the plan, e.g. "72 of 250."
- Show: Opens a popup showing the devices/clouds in this plan.
- BGP: Indicates whether or not devices/clouds in this plan may be peered to enable Kentik to collect BGP routing data (see BGP Overview).
- Fast Retention: The number of days that data will be stored in the Fast dataseries (see About Dataseries Resolution).
- Full Retention: The number of days that data will be stored in the Full dataseries.

Synthetics Information
The following information is provided in the fields at the right of the card for a Synthetics plan:
- Used Credits: The number of credits used do far this month by tests assigned to this plan.
- Max Credits: The total number of test credits per month for this plan.
- Data Retention: The number of days for which Kentik will store your organization's Synthetics data.
My Kentik Portal Information
The following information is provided in the fields at the right of the card for a My Kentik Portal plans:
- Advanced MKP: Indicates whether the total number of tenants under this plan is limited (Advanced MKP is disabled) or unlimited.
Account Team
The Account Team pane, located to the right of the Plans pane, contains the names and titles of your Kentik account team. Hover over each individual’s name or click the Contact Account Team button to create a support ticket.