Admin APIs

Note: Member-level users can only access the GET methods of Admin APIs.

The Kentik V5 Admin APIs enable programmatic management of your organization’s Kentik admin settings, and are covered in the following topics:

- For an overview of all Kentik APIs, see APIs Overview.
- For information on using the V5 Admin APIs with cURL, see API Access Via cURL.
- For documentation of the V5 Query API, see V5 Query API.
- For documentation of the V5 Alerting APIs, see V5 Alerting APIs.
- For help using any API version, contact


About V5 Admin APIs

The Kentik V5 Admin APIs allow you to manage your organization’s Kentik settings programmatically. They provide methods to read/write backend information related to users, devices, sites, and tags. Information is returned in a JSON structure with key/value pairs within an HTTP response body.

For more details on the data accessible via each API for your organization, refer to the following articles:

  • User API: Data for each user registered on the Kentik system; see Manage Users.
  • Device API: Data for each device (e.g., router, host) registered on the Kentik system; see About Devices.
  • Device Label API: Manage Labels for devices.
  • Plan API: Access data on “plans”, which are services provided to you by Kentik; see About Plans.
  • Site API: Access data on “sites”, which are groups of devices based on geographic location; see Site Field Definitions.
  • Tag API: Access data on tags; see Flow Tags.
  • Custom Dimension API: Access data on up to 10 custom dimensions and their associated populators; see Dimensions and Populators.
  • Saved Filter API: Access data on custom filters saved by your users; see Company Saved Filters.
  • Alerting APIs: Manage and use Kentik’s alert-related features; currently only Manual Mitigation.
  • My Kentik API: Manage the My Kentik Portal programmatically.

Kentik V5 Admin APIs can be accessed via:

  • Command line: Use cURL in environments like Terminal; see API Access Via cURL.
  • Programmatically: Send a request body to a V5 API endpoint using any application language that supports HTTP.

Note: The V5 API tester was discontinued in January 2025.


V5 Admin Methods

The following table lists available methods in the V5 Admin APIs. Click the topic link for more details on each method:

Method Endpoint Description Topic
User API
GET /users Get information about all users User List
GET /user/user_id Get information about a user User Info
POST /user Create a new user User Create
PUT /user/user_id Update user info User Update
DELETE /user/user_id Delete a user User Delete
Device API
GET /devices Get information about all devices Device List
GET /device/device_id Get information about a device Device Info
POST /device Create a new device Device Create
PUT /device/device_id Update device info Device Update
DELETE /device/device_id Delete a device Device Delete
GET device/device_id/interfaces Get information about all interfaces on a device Interface Info
GET device/device_id/interface/interface_id Get information about an individual interface on a device Interface Info
POST device_id/interface Create a new interface on a device Interface Create
PUT device/device_id/interface/interface_id Update interface info Interface Update
DELETE device/device_id/interface/interface_id Delete an interface Interface Delete
Device Label API
GET /deviceLabels Get information about all labels Device Label List
GET /deviceLabels/label_id Get information about a label Device Label Info
POST /deviceLabels Create a new label Device Label Create
PUT /deviceLabels/label_id Update label info Device Label Update
DELETE /deviceLabels/label_id Delete a label Device Label Delete
Plan API
GET /plans Get information about plans Plan List
Site API
GET /sites Get information about all devices Site List
GET /site/site_id Get information about a device Site Info
POST /site Create a new device Site Create
PUT /site/site_id Update device info Site Update
DELETE /site/site_id Delete a device Site Delete
GET /tags Get information about all tags Tag List
GET /tag/tag_id Get information about a tag Tag Info
POST /tag Create a new tag Tag Create
PUT /tag/tag_id Update tag info Tag Update
DELETE /tag/tag_id Delete a tag Tag Delete
Custom Dimension API
GET /customdimensions Get information about all custom dimensions Custom Dimension List
GET /customdimension/dimension_id Get information about a custom dimension Custom Dimension Info
POST /customdimension Create a new custom dimension Custom Dimension Create
PUT /customdimension/dimension_id Update custom dimension info Custom Dimension Update
DELETE /customdimension/dimension_id Delete a custom dimension Custom Dimension Delete
POST /customdimension/dimension_id/populator Create a new populator for a dimension Populator Create
PUT /customdimension/dimension_id/populator/populator_id Update populator info Populator Update
DELETE /customdimension/dimension_id/populator/populator_id Delete a populator Populator Delete
Batch API
POST /batch/tags
Create, update, or delete tags or populators by the batch. Batch Request
GET /batch/batch_operation_guid/status Get status information about a batch operation. Batch Status Request
Saved Filter API
GET /saved-filters/custom Get information about all custom saved filters. Saved Filter List
GET /saved-filter/saved-filter/custom/savedfilter_id Get information about a custom saved filter. Saved Filter Info
POST /saved-filter/custom Create a new custom saved filter. Saved Filter Create
PUT /saved-filter/saved-filter/custom/savedfilter_id Update custom saved filter info. Saved Filter Update
DELETE /saved-filter/saved-filter/custom/savedfilter_id Delete a custom saved filter. Saved Filter Delete
Custom Application API
GET /customApplications Get information about all custom applications. Custom Application API
POST /customApplications Create a new custom application. Custom Application API
PUT /customApplications/application_id Update custom application info. Custom Application API
DELETE /customApplications/application_id Delete a custom application. Custom Application API
Manual Mitigation API
POST alerts/manual-mitigate Start a new manual mitigation Manual Mitigation Create
My Kentik API
GET /mykentik/tenants Get information about all tenants. Tenant List
GET /mykentik/tenant/tenant_id Get information about an individual tenant. Tenant Info
POST /mykentik/tenant/tenant_id/user Create a new tenant user. Tenant User Create
DELETE /mykentik/tenant/tenant_id/user/user_id Delete a tenant user. Tenant User Delete

Note: Endpoint URLs are region-specific:
- US:
- EU:

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