Network Classification APIs

Note: This alpha API is neither supported nor recommended for production use. For additional information, contact Kentik (see Customer Care).

The following topics cover key information to help you get started with these APIs:

- The API Tester in the v4 Portal enables you to securely call the methods of these APIs using your organization's Kentik data.
- Protobuf and OpenAPI specifications for Kentik’s v6 APIs are available in our api-schema-public repository.


API Usage

The topics below provide important background information for the use of these APIs.

    Coming soon...


    The tables below provide a quick reference to key information about each Remote Procedure Call in these APIs. Use the links in the tables to see schemas for the request and/or response body (if any).

    Note: To test methods using your own Kentik data, use the portal's API Tester.
    RPCs not available...

    API Schemas

    This API uses the following schemas:

    Schemas not available...
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