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Common tasks, step-by-step.
Kentik modules by type and role.
What Kentik can do for you.
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Platform KB
System overviews and details
  • •  Fundamental elements of the platform.
  • •  Types and uses of ingested data.
  • •  Query dimensions and metrics.
  • •  How we safeguard your data.
  • •  Configure devices and hosts to send flow.
  • •  Access your cloud resource flow logs.
  • •  Using Kentik software agents.
  • •  Complete reference to Kentik APIs.
V4 portal
v4 Portal KB
Setup, usage, and results
  1. •  Workflows for all network types.
  2. •  Synthetic testing and deploying the ksynth agent.
  3. •  Tailoring portal views to your use cases.
  4. •  Setting custom real-time Alerts on network status.
  5. •  Cost, utilization, and performance optimization.
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Need help with any aspect of Kentik? Contact our Customer Care team.
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Can't find the information you need? Let us know via our Feedback form.
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Go back in time
Still using our old portal? We've got you covered with our v3 Portal KB.