Kentik How-Tos
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Signup & Login
Sign up for Kentik and access the portal.
- Sign Up for a Trial: Complete the trial signup process on the main Kentik website.
- Account Activation: Activate your new account from the confirmation email.
- Initial Setup Login: If you're the first user from your organization, start setting up Kentik.
- Basic Login: Access the Kentik portal.
- Two-factor Login: Enable another layer of security for portal access.
Authentication Settings
- Add YubiKey: Register a YubiKey for portal access.
- Add TOTP: Register a TOTP authenticator for portal access.
Onboard your organization with the Setup workflow.
General Setup Tasks
- Invite Users: Enable colleagues in your team or organization to become Kentik users.
- Define Network Boundaries: Use source and destination information for IPs and ASes to determine the direction of network traffic with respect to your network.
- Performance Monitoring Setup: Start synthetic testing (see also the Synthetics tab).
Device Initial Setup
- Starting Device Setup: Create a device in Kentik to receive flow data from a router.
- Device General Information: Complete general settings for a device in Kentik.
- Device Flow Setup: Complete flow data settings for a device in Kentik.
- Device SNMP Setup: Complete SNMP settings for a device in Kentik.
- Device BGP Setup: Complete BGP settings for a device in Kentik.
Note: To add devices or change device settings outside of the initial setup workflow, see Devices on the Sources tab.
Fix Device Issues
- Using Device Status: Identify issues with the settings or configuration of a device.
Cloud Initial Setup
- Starting Cloud Setup: Set up a cloud export in Kentik to receive flow logs from a public cloud resource.
- AWS Cloud Export Settings: Manual setup of a Kentik cloud export for an AWS resource.
- AWS Automated Setup: Use Terraform to set up a cloud export for an AWS resource.
- Azure Cloud Setup: Coming soon.
- GCP Cloud Setup: Overview of the workflow for onboarding a GCP cloud in Kentik.
- OCI Cloud Setup: Overview of the workflow for onboarding an OCI Cloud resource.
Note: To add cloud exports or change cloud export settings outside of the initial setup workflow, see also Clouds on the Sources tab.
Kentik AI Setup
- Manage Kentik AI: Enable Kentik AI to use features such as Journeys and Query Assistant.
Get help and support from the portal.
Help and Support
- Portal Help and Support: Get contextual help or submit a support or feature request.
Install and configure software agents for network traffic.
- kproxy Setup: Route flow and SNMP to kproxy.
- kproxy Docker Install: Install kproxy via Docker.
- kproxy Package Install: Install kproxy as a Debian/Ubuntu or RPM (CentOS/RHEL) package.
- Install kproxy by running a service definition with systemd.:
- Using Syslog Data: The setup workflow for using syslog data in Kentik.
- Add kproxy Agent: Deploy kproxy from the portal's kproxy Agents page.
- kprobe Download and Install: Install the kprobe executable on a host.
- kbgp Docker Install: Install the kbgp proxy agent via Docker.
- kbgp Package Install: Install a kbgp package, then configure and run via systemd.
- Kubernetes Agents Deployment: Install Kentik agents to monitor Kubernetes using eBPF.
Deploy the Universal agent for NMS.
Universal Agent
- Deploy the Universal Agent: Deploy a new instance of the Universal agent for NMS.
- Migrate Devices to New Agent: Change the agent monitoring existing devices.
- Remote SNMP Walk: Enable a custom device profile for NMS.
Deploy the ksynth agent for synthetic testing.
- See App Agent on the Synthetics tab.
Enable Kentik Firehose with the ktranslate agent.
- ktranslate Download and Install: Enable Kentik Firehose by installing the ktranslate agent via Docker.
- Firehose Data Sources: Send kflow for a data source from Kentik to ktranslate.
Network Devices
Register and manage devices in the portal.
Manage Devices
- Customize Device List: Specify the columns of the table on the Devices page.
- Add a Device: Register a network device (e.g. router or switch) in Kentik.
- Edit a Device: Edit the settings of an already registered device.
- Remove a Device: Stop collecting traffic data from a device.
- Enable BGP: Enable Kentik to get BGP data fro traffic on a device.
- Enabling SNMP Polling: Enable Kentik to poll a device for SNMP data.
- Using SNMP V3: Set a Kentik-polled device to use SNMP v3.
- Verifying SNMP Polling: Check that Kentik is able to poll a device for SNMP data.
Cloud Exports
Create and manage the export of flow logs to Kentik.
Cloud General Settings
- Add a Cloud Export: Configure the export of flow logs from a cloud provider into Kentik.
- Edit a Cloud Export: Change the settings of an existing cloud export.
AWS Setup
- AWS Logging Setup Overview: A summary of bringing flow logs from AWS into Kentik.
- Bucket Creation: Establish a container in which to collect flow logs for access by Kentik.
- Configure Log Publishing: Configure a VPC to publish logs to a bucket.
- Check Log Creation: Confirm that the VPC is publishing logs to the bucket.
- Check Log Contents: Access flow logs manually to examine the contents.
- Create Policy for Role: Create a policy in the AWS console.
- Attach Policy to Role: Create a new role to attach the policy to.
- Configure the AWS Role: Set permissions that allow Kentik’s AWS services to access your AWS resources.
- Create a Primary Policy: Create a policy that enables access to a primary account.
- Create a Primary Role: Assign a policy to a role in a primary account.
- Create Secondary Policies: Create policies that enable access to secondary accounts.
- Create Secondary Roles: Assign policies to roles in secondary accounts.
- Configure a Cloud Export: Create a cloud export in Kentik to bring in flow logs from an AWS bucket.
- Create Path Health Test: In Kentik's Cloud Performance Monitor, test the health of a path between a VPC and a customer gateway.
Azure Setup
- Azure Logging Setup Overview: A summary of bringing flow logs from Azure into Kentik.
- Check Azure Role: Confirm that your role lets you grant needed permissions to Kentik.
- Find Azure Subscription ID: Find the ID for the directory from which to export flow logs.
- Find Resource Group and Location: Find the Resource Group and Location of assets.
- Define Storage Account: Permit NSG Flow Exporter to access assets in an Azure account.
- Generate PowerShell Script: Get a PowerShell script that sets Azure to export flow logs.
- Configure Using PowerShell: Run the PowerShell script in Azure.
- Name This Cloud Export: Specify general settings for an Azure cloud export.
GCP Setup
- GCP Process Overview: A summary of bringing flow logs from GCP into Kentik.
- Enable VPC Flow Logs: Enable flow logs on an existing subnet.
- Create a New Topic: Configure a sink for the export of logs to a Pub/Sub topic.
- Create a Pull Subscription: Configure a subscription enabling access to published logs.
- Set Permissions: Allow Kentik to access a log subscription.
- Grant Metadata Access: Enable Kentik to include a cloud export on the Kentik Map.
- Create a Kentik Cloud Export: Bring log data from a GCP subscription into Kentik.
OCI Setup
- OCI Logging Setup Overview: A summary of bringing flow logs from OCI into Kentik.
- Create an OCI User: Create a user representing the Kentik cloud export tool.
- Create an OCI User Group: Create a user group for the cloud export user.
- Configure an API Key: Add the Kentik public key to the cloud export user.
- Create an OCI Policy: Provide permissions enabling the export tool to read flow logs.
- Configure an OCI Bucket: Create a bucket in which to collect flow logs.
- Enable Flow Logs: Specify what OCI flow logs will be captured.
- Configure an OCI Connector: Specify a bucket as a destination for flow logs.
- Create a Kentik Cloud Export: Copy OCI console info to the Monitor your OCI Cloud page.
- Flow Log Collection: Specify the flow log collection fields.
- Name this Cloud Export: Complete and save OCI cloud export settings.
Connectivity Checker
- Run from Connectivity Checker: Save a report from Connectivity Checker.
- Run from Kentik Map: Save a cloud connectivity report from Kentik Map.
- Remove a Connectivity Report: Remove a saved cloud report from Connectivity Checker.
Optimize your settings for featured traffic modules.
- Start a New Journey: Create a new journey in Journeys.
- Continue an Existing Journey: Refine and extend an existing journey.
Kentik Map
- Site Architecture: Define a site's architecture to optimize visualization of topology.
- Exclude Interfaces from Map: Reduce visual clutter and improve map clarity.
- Add a Dashboard: Add a new dashboard.
- Edit a Dashboard: Edit the settings of an existing dashboard.
- Remove a Dashboard: Remove a dashboard from your organization.
- Adding Dashboard Panels: Add a new panel to a dashboard.
- Add Panel From Explorer: Add a Data Explorer view to a dashboard.
- Editing Dashboard Panels: Modify an existing panel on a dashboard.
- Add Dashboard Navigation: Enable navigation from a panel to another dashboard.
Saved Views
- Create a View: Create a new saved view.
- Edit View Properties: Modify the properties of an existing saved view.
- Edit View Query: Modify the query whose results are rendered in a saved view.
My Kentik Portal
- MKP User Activation: Add a user to an MKP tenant.
- Configure Tenant Portal: Define the portal experience for your MKP tenants.
- Add a Tenant: Add a new tenant to your MKP.
- Edit a Tenant: Modify the properties of an existing tenant.
- Add a Tenant Policy: Pick an alert policy to monitor a tenant's traffic.
- Add a Package: Create a set of views and policies to assign to tenants.
- Edit a Package: Modify the settings of an existing package.
- Tenant Portal Access: See the MKP portal as it will be presented to a given tenant.
Observation Deck
- Add or Remove Visualizations: Change the visualizations that are displayed.
- Change Visualization Layout: Change the appearance of the display area.
Set up to monitor and query your network traffic.
Network Explorer
- Using the Filters Control: Tailor the results shown in tables and graphs.
Data Explorer
- Add Data Sources: Choose data sources for a query using the Data Sources Dialog.
- Choosing Query Dimensions: Choose group-by dimensions for a query.
- Using Multiple Dimensions: Use multiple group-by dimensions in a query.
- Setting a Filter-based Dimension: Set a filter-based dimension for a query.
- Using Matrix View: Use Data Explorer's Matrix view type.
Capacity Planning
- Using Capacity Planning: Create a capacity plan and its interface groups.
- Manage Insights Settings: Configure settings for your organization's insights.
Raw Flow Explorer
- Define a Raw Flow Query: Coming soon.
Optimize traffic to and from external networks.
Traffic Engineering
- Using Traffic Engineering: See how BGP routing changes impact interface utilization.
Connectivity Costs
- Enabling Connectivity Costs: Set up the Connectivity Costs module.
- Connectivity Traffic Calculation: See the cost impact of external traffic.
Discover Peers
- Using the Discover Peers Page: Identify remote networks to target for peering.
- Using the Potential Peer Page: See information about an individual potential peer.
Defend against threats to network availability and security.
Alert Policies
- Adding a Policy: Create an alert policy using the Add Policy page.
- Add a Query-based Policy: Build a time-limited alert policy in Data Explorer.
- Clone a Policy: Create an alert policy by duplicating an existing policy.
- Edit a Policy: Modify an existing alert policy.
- Disable or Enable a Policy: Disable a policy or enable a previously disabled policy.
- Remove a Policy: Remove an alert policy from your organization's collection of policies.
- Policy Templates Access: Access the Policy Templates page.
- Clone a Policy Template: Create an editable policy from a Kentik-provided template.
Manage Alerts
- Acknowledge an Alert: Indicate to other users that you are aware of the alert.
- Remove an Alert Ack: Remove an ack for an alert that you acknowledged.
- Clear an Alert: Manually change the Alert State from Active to Cleared.
- Add an Alert Comment: Communicate alert info to other users.
- Edit an Alert Comment: Change a comment you've made on an alert.
- Remove an Alert Comment: Remove a comment you've made on an alert.
- Silence Alert Notifications: Mute the notifications from an alert for 7 days.
- Auto-acknowledge an Alert: Ack future instances of the same alert for a set duration.
- Edit an Auto-ack: Edit duration or comments for an auto-acknowledgment.
- Remove an Auto-ack: Remove auto-acknowledgment from an alert.
- Start a Manual Mitigation: Apply mitigation that's not triggered by an alert policy.
- Stop a Manual Mitigation: Halt a currently active manual mitigation.
- RTBH Mitigation Workflow: Create, configure, and deploy an RTBH Mitigation.
- Configuring Flowspec Mitigation: Create, configure, and deploy a Flowspec Mitigation.
- Third-party Mitigation Workflow: Set up Kentik-supported 3rd-party mitigations.
- Cloudflare MT Setup: Configure a mitigation using Cloudflare Magic Transit.
Service Provider
Understand service requirements and performance.
CDN Analytics
- Enabling CDN Attribution: See cost and performance for CDN traffic.
OTT Service Tracking
- Configure OTT Thresholds: Coming soon.
Kentik Market Intelligence
- Configure KMI: Coming soon.
App Agent
Install and activate the ksynth agent for Synthetics.
Synthetics App Agent
- App Agent Setup Stages: Overview of App Agent setup.
- App Agent Package Install: Install ksynth using a Debian-based or RPM-based package.
- App Agent Docker Install: Install ksynth using Docker.
- Activate App Agent: Activate an installed instance ksynth.
- Register App Agent: Register a ksynth instance that was installed without a company ID.
Note: The App Agent replaces the Network Agent, which has been deprecated as of December 2022.
Define synthetic tests to monitor performance.
Synthetics Tests
- Add a Test: Create a new Synthetics test in the Test Control Center.
- Edit a Test: Modify an existing test in the Test Control Center.
- Copy a Test: Duplicate an existing test and modify it into a new test.
- Remove a Test: Delete a test from your organization's collection of tests.
- Create a Transaction Script: Create a Transaction test from a Puppeteer script.
- Validate a Transaction Script: Check a Transaction test script against requirements.
- View Transaction Results: See results from a Transaction test.
Kentik NMS Setup
Set up Kentik's Network Monitoring System in your account.
NMS Setup Overview
- NMS Quick Start: A high-level overview of getting started with NMS.
NMS Deploy & Discover
- NMS Setup Wizard: Deploy the NMS agent and choose devices to monitor.
NMS Dashboard
Configure your high-level view of Kentik NMS.
Set Visualizations
- Add a Visualization: Add a visualization to the NMS Dashboard display area.
- Remove a Visualization: Remove a visualization from the NMS Dashboard display area.
Metrics Explorer
Query your NMS data stored in Kentik.
Using Metrics Explorer
- Run an NMS Query: Set the query sidebar to return NMS results.
- Using NMS via API: Get code in Metrics Explorer to run NMS queries via API.
Query Assistant
Use natural language to query NMS metrics.
Query Assistant
- Using Query Assistant: Query NMS metrics using natural language.
NMS Alerting
Use NMS metrics to alert on infrastructure status or events.
Up/Down Policies
- Add an Up/Down Policy: Alert on the state of a monitored entity.
NMS Threshold Policies
- Add an NMS Threshold Policy: Use NMS metrics in a threshold-based policy.
Network Metadata
Optimize Kentik's ability to fully understand your network.
- Add an Interface: Manually add interfaces and hosts that aren't configured for SNMP.
- Edit an Interface: Edit the settings of SNMP-discovered or manually-added interfaces.
- Remove an Interface: Remove an interface from the Interfaces list.
- View Site Devices: See the devices assigned to a given site.
- Add a Site: Create a new site representing a physical location like a data center.
- Edit a Site: Edit the properties of an existing site.
Interface Classification
- Using Interface Classification: Classify the types of interfaces through which traffic enters and leaves your network.
Network Classification
- Configuring Network Classification: Set up to determine traffic direction (inbound, outbound, through, internal).
- Network Directionality Use Case: Find the origin (inside or outside) of traffic.
- Host Directionality Use Case: On a host, distinguish incoming traffic from outgoing.
- Add a Label: Add a new label to your organization’s collection of labels.
- Edit a Label: Modify the settings for an existing label.
- Remove a Label: Remove a label from your organization's collection of labels.
- Label a Device: Apply a label to a data source.
- Remove Device Labels: Remove a label from a data source.
- Label a Synthetics Test: Apply a label to a test in Synthetics.
- Remove Synthetics Test Labels: Remove a label from a Synthetics test.
- Label an Alert Policy: Apply a label to an alert policy.
- Remove Policy Labels: Remove a label from an alert policy.
- Label a Credential: Apply a label to an RBAC credential.
- Remove Credential Labels: Remove a label from a credential.
- Label a Dashboard: Apply a label to a dashboard in the Library.
- Remove Dashboard Labels: Remove a label from a dashboard.
- Label a Saved View: Apply a label to a saved view in the library.
- Remove Saved View Labels: Remove a label from a saved view.
- Label a Synthetics Agent: Apply a label to an agent in Synthetics.
- Remove Synthetics Agent Labels: Remove a label from a Synthetics agent.
- Using Labels with RBAC: Make a role's permissions contingent on one or more labels.
Data Enrichment
Enrich flow records with additional correlated dimensions.
AS Groups
- Add an AS Group: Create a group to refer to a set of ASes collectively.
- Edit an AS Group: Change a group's name or member ASes.
- Remove an AS Group: Remove a group from your organization’s collection of AS groups.
Custom Dimensions
- Custom Dimension Dialogs: Add or edit dimensions and populators.
- Add a Custom Dimension: Add a new custom dimension.
- Edit a Custom Dimension: Edit an existing custom dimension.
- Add a Populator: Add a populator to a manually created custom dimension.
- Edit a Populator: Edit a populator of a manually created custom dimension.
- Regenerate Populators: Update populators based on AWS or Azure tags.
Custom Applications
- Add a Custom Application: Define an application (based on protocol, port number, IP address, and/or ASN) to associate with network traffic flows.
- Edit a Custom Application: Modify an existing custom application.
Custom Geos
- Adding a Custom Geo: Assign countries to custom groups for use in queries.
- Editing a Custom Geo: Modify an existing custom geo.
Custom DNS
- Add a Custom DNS Server: Specify the IP of one or more alternate DNS servers.
- Edit a Custom DNS Server: Modify settings for an existing custom DNS.
- Remove a Custom DNS Server: Remove a custom DNS from your organization.
- Verify a Custom DNS Server: Confirm that an IP address works for reverse DNS lookup.
Flow Tags
- Adding a Flow Tag: Create a tag to apply to flow records ingested into Kentik.
- Editing a Flow Tag: Modify an existing flow tag.
Share Kentik views publicly or within your organization.
View Sharing
- Internal Share Link: Get a URL to share internally with Kentik-registered users.
- Share by Email: Send a report to specified recipients.
- Share by Subscription: Email a report to recipients on a specified schedule.
- Add a Subscription: Create a recipient set and schedule report sharing.
- Edit a Subscription: Modify an existing subscription.
- Remove a Subscription: Remove a subscription from your organization.
Access & Security
Add users and control secure access.
- Add a User: Register a colleague as a user within your organization.
- Edit a User: Modify the properties of an existing user.
- Remove a User: Remove a user from your organization's collection of Kentik users.
- Assign Roles to a User: Assign RBAC roles to one or more users.
- Remove Roles from a User: Remove an RBAC role from a user.
RBAC Roles
- Add a Role: Create a custom RBAC role in your organization.
- View a Role: See an existing role's permissions and assigned users.
- Remove a Role: Remove a custom role from your organization’s list of roles.
- Manage Role Permissions: Assign and remove permissions for a custom role.
- Assign a Custom Role: Assign an existing custom role to a user.
- Assign a Kentik-Managed Role: Assign a Kentik-managed role to a user.
- Remove Roles from Users: Remove an RBAC role from a user.
Single Sign-on
- Migrating to SSO: Transition from plain authentication to single sign-on.
Access Control
- Add an Exception Group: Specify a set of IPs and subnets that can access Kentik.
- Edit an Exception Group: Modify an existing exception group.
- Remove an Exception Group: Remove an exception group from your organization.
Additional controls to tailor Kentik for your organization.
- Add or Edit Notification: Create or modify a notification channel.
- Enable or Disable Notification: Disable an enabled notification channel, or vice versa.
- Microsoft Teams Settings: Create a Microsoft Teams notification channel in Kentik.
- OpsGenie Notification Settings: Create an OpsGenie notification channel in Kentik.
- PagerDuty Notification Settings: Create a PagerDuty notification channel in Kentik.
- ServiceNow Notification Settings: Create a ServiceNow notification channel in Kentik.
- Slack Notification Troubleshooting: Check why you're not getting notifications via Slack.
- Splunk Notification Settings: Create a Splunk notification channel in Kentik.
- VictorOps Notification Settings: Create a VictorOps notification channel in Kentik.
- xMatters Notification Settings: Create an xMatters notification channel in Kentik.
Saved Filters
- Add a Saved Filter: Create a stored set of filters to apply to a query.
- Edit a Saved Filter: Modify an existing saved filter.
Silent Mode
- Add a Pattern: Coming soon.
- Edit a Pattern: Coming soon.
User Profile
Personalize your Kentik experience.
User Profile Settings
- Manage General Preferences: Specify theme, defaults, and notification preferences.
- Authentication Settings: See Signup & Login on the Setup tab.
- Chart Colors Color Palettes: Build a custom palette for visualizations.
Access integrations with 3rd-party platforms and services.
- Map Site to Facility: Map a Kentik-monitored site to a PeeringDB facility.
- Map Interface to Exchange: Map a Kentik-monitored interface to a PeeringDB exchange.
- Remove a Site Mapping: Remove a mapping from a site to a PeeringDB facility.
- Remove an Interface Mapping: Remove a mapping from an interface to an exchange.
- Remove All Mappings: Delete all custom mappings in the mapping table.
Credentials Vault
Securely store credentials for devices and Synthetics tests.
Manage Credentials
- Add Credential on CV Page: Add a new credential from the Credentials Vault page.
- Add SNMP Device Credential: Add a credential for SNMP in the Device settings dialog.
- Add ST Device Credential: Add a credential for Streaming Telemetry in Device settings.
- Edit a Credential: Edit the settings for an existing credential.
- Update a Credential Value: Update the value of a credential's key.
- Set HTTP Test Credentials: Use credentials to authenticate in Synthetics HTTP tests.
- Remove a Credential: Remove a credential from your organization’s Credentials Vault.
Credentials Tutorial
- Finding Header Elements: Find the information you'll need to create a credential.
- Creating a Credential: Create a new credential for a Synthetics test.
- Creating a Test: Create an API test in Synthetics that uses the credential.