Sites and Plans
Note: These settings are accessed via the Admin menu, which is displayed to Admin users only (hidden from Member users). |
Sites and plans in Kentik Detect are discussed in the following topics:
Note: If you would like assistance with any aspect of managing sites and plans, please contact us at
About Sites
A site is a specific user-defined physical location (address) with which one or more devices may be associated. Sites are managed on the Sites Page (choose Admin from the Kentik navbar, then Sites from the sidebar at left). Once a site is created, then one or more devices can be assigned to it via device properties (see Device Plan & Site Settings).
The devices assigned to a given site can be seen in the Device List (Admin » Devices) by choosing Site in the Group-by selector (see Devices Page UI). Devices that have not been assigned to any site will be grouped as “Unassigned.”

Sites Page
All sites for a given customer are listed on the Sites page (a.k.a. Device Sites) of the Kentik portal (choose Admin from the Kentik navbar, then Sites from the sidebar at left). The Sites page is covered in the following topics:
Sites Page UI
The Sites page includes the following UI elements:
- Filter field: Filters the Site List to show only rows containing the entered text in one of the table’s columns or in the Postal Code field in the Edit Site dialog.
- Add Site button: Links to an Add Site dialog where you can add a site to Kentik (see Adding a Site).
- Site List: A table listing your organization’s sites (see Site List).
- Sites Map: A map showing the location of your organization’s sites. Sites will be shown only if the site settings contain enough information (e.g. city) to determine the site’s geographic location.
Note: Sites can also be added and edited with the Site API.

Site List
The Site List is a table that shows information about the listed sites. By default the list is ordered alphabetically by name (ascending). To change the sort order of the list, click on a heading to choose a sort column, and on the resulting blue up or down arrow to choose the sort direction (ascending or descending).
Note: To see additional information about a given site, click anywhere in the row for that site, which opens a Edit Site dialog where you can review and edit settings (see Site Admin Dialogs).
The Site List includes the following columns (left to right):
- Site Name: The site’s customer-assigned name string.
- Address: The street address of the site.
- City: The city of the site.
- Region: The region of the site.
- Country: The country of the site.
- ID: Kentik-assigned site ID.
Click on a column heading to sort the list (ascending or descending).

Site Admin Dialogs
Adding or editing a site via the Kentik portal involves specifying information in the fields of the site admin dialogs, which are covered in the following topics.
Note: Sites can also be added and edited with the Site API.
About Site Dialogs
The Kentik portal uses site admin dialogs to collect and display site information. The required information is entered into the fields of either of the following dialogs:
- Add Site when registering a new site with Kentik.
- Edit Site when editing an already registered site.
Site Dialogs UI
The Add Site and Edit Site dialogs share the same layout and the following common UI elements:
Close button: Click the X in the upper right corner to close the dialog. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Remove button (Edit Site dialog only): Remove the site from your organization’s collection of Kentik-registered sites. This button is only present if the site being edited was manually added.
- Cancel button: Cancel the add site or edit site operation and exit the dialog. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Add Site button (Add Site dialog only): Save settings for the new site and exit the dialog.
- Save button (Edit Site dialog only): Save changes to site settings and exit the dialog.
Site Field Definitions
Site admin dialogs contain the fields shown in the following table.
Element | Type | Description |
Name | Editable field | Customer-assigned name string (up to 40 characters). |
Country | Editable field with drop-down options | A country chosen from the drop-down list that is populated based on text entered in the editable field. |
Address | Editable field | The site’s street address. |
City | Editable field | The city in which the address exists. |
State/Province/Region | Editable field with drop-down options | The state/province/region in which the address exists. |
Zip/Postal Code | Editable field | The zip code or postal code of the address. |
Add or Edit Site
The adding and editing of sites is covered in the following topics:
Adding a Site
To add a new Site:
- Choose Admin from the Kentik navbar, then Sites from the sidebar at left.
- Open the Add Site dialog by clicking the Add Site button at upper right.
- Enter a name in the Name field.
- Specify the values of the remaining fields (see Site Field Definitions).
- Save the new site by clicking the Add Site button.
Editing a Site
To edit an existing site:
- Choose Admin from the Kentik navbar, then Sites from the sidebar at left.
- In the Site List, click in the row for the site that you’d like to edit, which will open the Edit Site dialog.
- Edit the fields that you want to change (see Site Field Definitions).
- Save the changes by clicking the Save button.
Note: To delete a site, click Remove at lower left.
About Plans
A Kentik plan represents a level of service specified in an agreement between Kentik and a customer. The level of service is represented in a plan as a set of values for plan attributes including maximum flows per second (FPS), BGP data, and data retention period. Plans are configured by Kentik and are not editable by customers.
As you register your devices with Kentik (see Adding a Device) you must assign each device to a specific plan. All customers have at least one plan, named “Default.” The plans to which your devices belong are shown on the Plans Page (choose Admin from the Kentik navbar, then Plans from the sidebar at left), where you’ll find the attributes of each plan and the devices that are assigned to it.
Note: For assistance with your organization’s plans, please contact

Plans Page
All plans for a given customer are listed on the Plans page (a.k.a. Billing and Device Plans) of the Kentik portal (choose Admin from the Kentik navbar, then Plans from the sidebar at left). Each plan is represented by a panel that displays the following plan attributes:
- Limits: The number of devices that are currently registered and the maximum devices that can be registered under this plan.
- Device Types: The types of devices that can be assigned to the plan (router, host, etc.; see Supported Device Types).
- BGP (enabled or disabled): Indicates whether or not devices on this plan may be peered to enable Kentik to collect BGP routing data.
- Max FPS: Per device limit on flow records per second that can be sent to Kentik (excess FPS may trigger rate-limiting).
- Retention: Days for which traffic data will be stored, for Full and Fast dataseries (see About Dataseries Resolution).
- Device List: A table showing the devices currently assigned to the plan, including the following columns (click on a column header to sort ascending or descending):
- Device name: The customer-specified name of the device.
- Type: The type of the device (see device types above).
- Device ID: The Kentik-assigned ID of the device.
Note: The information displayed on the Plans page is editable only by Kentik. For assistance with your organization’s plans, please contact