My Kentik Portal
Note: These settings are visible only to organizations with tenancy enabled (to find out more, contact your Customer Success representative) and are accessed via the Admin menu, which is displayed to Admin users only (hidden from Member users). |
The My Kentik Portal, which is Kentik Detect’s implementation of tenancy, is covered in the following topics:
- About Tenancy
- My Kentik Portal Page
- Tenant Dialogs
- Tenant Settings
- Tenant SSO Settings
- Tenant Spoofing
- Tenant Notifications
- Configuring Tenancy

About Tenancy
General information about tenancy and the My Kentik Portal is covered in the following topics:
Tenancy Overview
The My Kentik Portal enables Kentik Detect to support tenancy. Tenancy is a mechanism by which a Kentik customer can make available to its own external or internal customers (the “tenants”) a limited, customer-branded version of the Kentik Detect portal. Customers assign users to a given tenant, which enables those users to see a curated set of visualizations and metrics that are filtered to show only their own traffic.
Note: As used in the context of tenancy, the term “user” does not refer to a registered Kentik Detect user, but rather to a user that a Kentik customer assigns to one of its tenants.
Tenancy Structure
Kentik Detect’s implementation of tenancy is structured as follows:
- My Kentik Portal: Each Kentik customer for which tenancy is enabled has a single tenant portal, called the My Kentik Portal:
- The tenant portal is a simplified version of the Portal Library in Kentik Detect.
- It enables presentation of network traffic views as described in About the Library.
- The URL is the same for all of your tenants.
- It’s branded with your logo, and may optionally include your support information. - Tenants: Each customer has a set of tenants (created on the My Kentik Portal Page in the Admin section of the main Kentik Detect portal):
- If you’re a provider, each tenant typically corresponds to one of your subscribers.
- The maximum number of tenants per customer is defined by agreement with Kentik.
- The types of reports available to a given tenant, and the characteristics (e.g. devices, CIDRs, etc.) of the shown traffic, are specified with the settings in the Tenant Dialogs.
- Common settings for multiple tenants may be implemented with Tenant Templates. - Users: Each tenant may have an unlimited number of users, each of which is assigned to it by the tenant via the My Kentik Portal Page.

Tenancy Use Cases
Tenancy is designed for two main use cases:
- The Kentik customer is a service provider and the tenants each represent a customer of the provider, each of which has any number of individual users who can access the tenant portal.
- The Kentik customer is an enterprise and each tenant is a different group within the company, each of which may have very different needs in terms of the network traffic data they need to see and the form in which the data should be presented. The views available to a given user in the tenant portal differ depending on the tenant to which the user has been assigned.
Enabling Tenancy
The tenancy feature is not enabled by default in Kentik Detect. To enable tenancy, contact Customer Support ( If tenancy is enabled for your organization, a My Kentik Portal link will be listed in the Customize section of the Admin sidebar. Click the link to go to the My Kentik Portal page.
My Kentik Portal Page
The My Kentik Portal page is home to the settings needed to enable tenancy. To view the page, choose Admin from the main Kentik Detect navbar, then My Kentik Portal from the sidebar at left. The My Kentik Portal page is covered in the following topics:

My Kentik Portal Page UI
The My Kentik Portal page has the following main UI elements:
- My Kentik Portal Settings pane: Settings for the tenant portal that are common to all tenants in your organization. See My Kentik Portal Settings.
- Filter field: Filters the Tenant List to show only the tenants whose name contains the entered text.
- Open in Tenant View button: Opens the Open in Tenant View dialog (see Tenant Spoofing).
- Add Tenant button: Opens the Add Tenant dialog (see Tenant Dialogs).
- Tenant List: A list of the tenants currently set up in your organization (see Tenant List).
- Templates pane: Controls for managing Tenant Templates.
My Kentik Portal Settings
The following settings apply to the tenant portal, which is common to all of the tenants in your organization:
- Subdomain: The URL to which tenant users will navigate to access your organization’s tenant portal. You specify the subdomain name; the rest of the URL is predefined by Kentik as shown in the following example:
Note: If your organization is registered with Kentik in the EU, the above URL should instead end with - Logo: Set an image that will be displayed (in place of the Kentik logo) on the My Kentik Portal login page and at the upper left of the portal itself:
- Max file size: 1MB.
- Supported file types: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP.
- Minimum recommended height: 50px.
Note: Once an image file has been uploaded a thumbnail of the image will appear to the right of the Logo setting. The thumbnail is smaller than the image will appear in the tenant portal. - Support URL: The URL at which your organization will provide support for tenant users.
- Support Email: The email address at which your organization will provide support for tenant users.
- Save button: Saves the current My Kentik Portal settings.
- My Kentik Portal Single Sign-on Settings (visible only to Super Admin users; see About Super Admin Users): A link to the My Kentik Portal Single Sign-on page (see Tenant SSO Settings).

Tenant List
The tenant list is a table in which each row represents one of your organization’s currently defined tenants. The table includes the following columns:
- Tenant Name: The name of the Tenant as specified when the Tenant was added.
- Description: Optional text about the tenant.
- Views: The number of views assigned to this tenant in the Views pane of the Add Tenant or Edit Tenant dialog (see Views Settings).
- Alert Policies: The number of policies assigned to this tenant in the Alert Policies pane of the Add Tenant or Edit Tenant dialog (see Alert Policies Settings).
- Template: The template, if any, assigned to this tenant (see Tenant Templates).
- Users: The number of users assigned to this tenant from Users Popup in the General Settings pane of the Add Tenant or Edit Tenant dialog.
- Open in Tenant View: Opens the Open in Tenant View dialog so that you can see the My Kentik Portal for a given tenant (see Tenant Spoofing).
- Remove (trash icon): Opens a confirming dialog that allows you to remove the tenant from your collection of tenants.

Tenant Templates
Tenant templates enable you to build a set of tenant settings that you can then apply to multiple tenants while still being able to add individual settings that are custom to each tenant. Using templates will enable you to efficiently provision sets of similar tenants (e.g. tenants from Silver, Gold, and Platinum tiers).
The templates UI on the My Kentik Portal page consists of the following elements:
Filter field: Filters the list of tenant templates to show only the templates whose name contains the entered text.
- Add Template button: Opens the Add Template dialog (see Tenant Template Dialogs), where you can set the views and alert policies that will be common to all tenants that are assigned to the template.
- Templates list: A list of the tenants currently set up in your organization (see Tenant Template List).
Tenant Template List
The templates list is a collection of tiles that each represents an individual template. Each tile includes the following UI elements:
- Template name: The name of the template.
- Default indicator: Appears on the template, if any, that is currently designated as the default template for new tenants (see Template Dialogs UI).
- Description: Optional description text.
- Edit button: Opens the Edit Template dialog (see Tenant Template Settings).
- Views indicator: The count of views assigned to the template.
- Alert Policy indicator: The count of alert policies assigned to the template.
Tenant Dialogs
Adding or editing a tenant involves specifying information in the fields of the tenant admin dialogs, which are covered in the following topics.
About Tenant Dialogs
The Kentik portal uses tenant admin dialogs to collect and display tenant information. The required information is entered into the fields of either of the following dialogs:
- Add Tenant when adding a new tenant to Kentik.
- Edit Tenant when modifying settings for an existing tenant.
Tenant Dialogs UI
The Add Tenant and Edit Tenant dialogs share the same layout and the following common UI elements:
- Close button: Click the X in the upper right corner to close the dialog. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Remove button (Edit Tenant dialog only): Remove the tenant from your organization’s collection of Kentik-registered tenants.
- Reset to Defaults: Restore the Views Settings and Alert Policies Settings to the default views and policies for your My Kentik portal (see My Kentik Portal Settings).
- Cancel button: Cancel the add tenant or edit tenant operation and exit the dialog. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Add Tenant button (Add Tenant dialog only): Save settings for the new tenant and exit the dialog.
- Save button (Edit Tenant dialog only): Save changes to tenant settings and exit the dialog.

Tenant Settings
Configuring a tenant involves specifying the settings detailed in the topics below:
General Settings
Provide general information associated with the tenant:
- Name (required): User-supplied name string for the tenant.
- Description: User-supplied description string.
- Users button (Edit Tenant dialog only): Opens the Users Popup, where you can add or remove users from the tenant.
Note: To add users to a Tenant, first create the tenant in the Add Tenant dialog, then add users in the Edit Tenant dialog for that tenant.

Users Popup
The Users popup opens from the Users button in the General Settings pane of the Edit Tenant dialog. The popup includes the following parts:
Add User button: Click to show the Enter user email field, which allows you to add a user.
- Enter user email field: To add a user, enter an email address, then click Save.
- User list: A list of users assigned to the tenant. For each user, the list provides a Remove button (trash icon) and shows the following information:
- User name;
- Email address;
- Last login.
Note: To add users to a Tenant, first create the tenant in the Add Tenant dialog, then add users in the Edit Tenant dialog for that tenant.
Tenant Filters Settings
The settings in this section are effectively filters (similar in concept to User Filters) that are used to narrow your overall network traffic data to the subset of data that you want to make visible to the users associated with this tenant. The following considerations apply:
- The filters are ANDed with any filters defined in the views (Dashboards, Saved Views, Reports) that you make available to the users via your Views Settings.
- The filters are applied bi-directionally (source and destination). If, for example, you filter for a given ASN, the filtered traffic will include flows where the specified number is either a source ASN or a destination ASN.
The following controls are used to filter the tenant traffic:
- Devices list: A list of the devices from which users will be able to see traffic. To exclude a device, click the X at the right of that device’s row in the list.
- Edit Devices button: Click to open a dialog in which you can choose devices for the Devices list (see Selected Devices Dialog).
- Interface Name: Enable traffic from any interface (on any device in the Devices list) whose name matches the entered regex.
- Interface Description: Enable traffic from any interface (on any device in the Devices list) whose description matches the entered regex.
- CIDR(s): Enter a comma-separated list of one or more IP CIDRs.
- ASN(s): Enter a comma-separated list of one or more ASNs.
- Custom Dimensions: A set of controls enabling you to filter based on custom dimensions (see Tenant Custom Dimensions).
Note: If none of the above fields are specified then scope of the data available for tenant-level views will be the same as for customer-level queries.

Tenant Custom Dimensions
The Custom Dimensions controls for tenant filters enable you to use custom dimensions to narrow the traffic seen by tenant users. The custom dimensions available for this purpose must already be defined in your organization using the Custom Dimensions UI accessed from the Settings page (v4) or Admin page (v3).
The Custom Dimensions controls for tenant filters include the following settings:
- Add: A button used to add a custom dimension to the Custom Dimensions list. If the list doesn’t yet contain any dimensions then this is the only visible control.
- Custom Dimensions list: A list of the custom dimensions that are currently applied to filter the traffic visible to the users of this tenant. Each row in the list includes the following UI elements:
- Dimension: The custom dimension on which to filter (see Dimensions and Populators).
- Populator: The value of the populator to match for the selected dimension.
- Remove: To exclude a custom dimension filter from the list, click the X at the right.
Tenant Template Settings
The Template pane enables you to assign (and remove) a template (see Tenant Templates) to an individual tenant so that views and alert policies defined in the template are added to the tenant’s My Kentik Portal. This pane includes the following UI:
Template selector: A drop-down list of the templates in your organization.
- Retain Template Settings (shown only if a template is assigned to this tenant): If switched on, then if the Detach button is clicked the views and alert policies that this tenant inherited from the current template will become part of the tenant’s own settings.
- Detach (shown only if a template is assigned to this tenant): Click to remove the template that is assigned to this tenant.
Views Settings
The Tenant-specific Views pane (tenant dialogs) and the Views pane (template dialogs) each set the Library views (see About the Library) that will be available in the tenant portal for a given tenant:
- Views (required): A field containing a list of views, each of which is represented visually as a tag:
- Click in the list to open a drop-down list from which you can choose a view to add to the list.
- Click the X at the right of a tag to remove the corresponding view from the list. - Default View: A drop-down menu from which you can choose one of the views in the Views field. The chosen view will be displayed whenever a user first navigates to the tenant portal.
Note: If a template is assigned to this tenant (see Tenant Template Settings) then the views set in the Tenant-specific Views pane will be in addition to the views inherited from the template.

Alert Policies Settings
The Tenant-specific Alert Policies pane (tenant dialogs) and the Alert Policies pane (template dialogs) each set the alert policies (see Policy Alert Overview) that will be available in the tenant portal to users of this tenant:
- Add Alert Policy button: Opens the Select a Policy controls.
- Policy menu: A drop-down menu from which to choose an alert policy to make available to this tenant.
- Remove button: Click the X to remove the policy.
Note: If a template is assigned to this tenant (see Tenant Template Settings) then the views set in the Tenant-specific Alert Policies pane will be in addition to the alert policies inherited from the template.
The following additional UI elements are displayed once a policy has been chosen from the Policy menu:
- Expand/collapse button: Shows or hides the controls for one policy.
- Policy description: The description assigned to the policy in the General Settings tab of the policy itself (see General Policy Settings).
- Thresholds list: A list of tiles, one for each threshold defined in the policy. Each tile shows:
- A list of the Threshold Conditions, with operator and value settings for each condition. These settings default to the settings defined in the Conditions pane of the Alert Thresholds tab of the policy itself (see Condition Settings). - Enable Notifications: A switch that adds a Notifications tile to the threshold (see Threshold Notifications), so that you can specify alert notifications that will be sent to either the tenant or landlord.
Note: Tenant notification settings require spoofing the tenant in the My Kentik Portal; see Tenant Spoofing and Tenant Notifications.

Threshold Notifications
The Notifications settings specify the situations in which one or more match (see About Matches) will cause a threshold to trigger an alarm (enter ALARM state) and generate notifications.
The following settings specify what triggers an alarm:
- Number: How many times a match must occur within the specified duration.
Note: If number is 1, the time settings are irrelevant; an alarm will be generated immediately upon the first match. - Duration value: The number of time units.
- Duration units: The time unit, either minutes or hours.
- Reset period: The number of match-free minutes after which the count of matches is reset to 0.
The following settings configure notifications for the tenant’s landlord (your organization):
- Receive Landlord Notifications: Enable receipt by the landlord of tenant-level threshold notifications, which would otherwise go only to the tenant.
- Notification Channels: Click in the field to choose from a list of the existing notification channels in your organization.
Tenant Template Dialogs
The dialogs for managing tenant templates are covered in the following topics:
About Template Dialogs
The Kentik portal uses template admin dialogs to make settings for tenant templates. The required information is entered into the fields of either of the following dialogs:
- Add Template when adding a new tenant template to your organization.
- Edit Template when modifying settings for an existing template.
Template Dialogs UI
The Add Template and Edit Template dialogs share the same layout and the following common UI elements:
- Close button: Click the X in the upper right corner to close the dialog. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Remove button (Edit Template dialog only): Remove the template from your organization’s collection of Kentik-registered templates.
- Default switch: If on, all new tenants will use this template. The default template may be removed from each individual tenant in the tenant’s Edit Tenant dialog. This switch is visible under the following conditions:
- In an Add Template or Edit Template dialog if no other template is already assigned as the default (look for a “Default” label in the Tenant Template List).
- In an Edit Template dialog if this template is the default (allowing you to turn off the default template designation for this template). - Cancel button: Cancel the add template or edit template operation and exit the dialog. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Add Template button (Add Template dialog only): Save settings for the new template and exit the dialog.
- Save button (Edit Template dialog only): Save changes to template settings and exit the dialog.
Tenant Template Properties
The settings for tenant templates are made in the Add Template and Edit Template dialogs, which include a subset of the settings covered in Tenant Dialogs:
- General information: General information associated with the template, including:
- Name (required): User-supplied name string for the template.
- Description: User-supplied description string. - Views settings: The Library views that will be available in the My Kentik Portal to tenants that are assigned this template; see Views Settings.
- Alert policies settings: The alert policies that will be available in the My Kentik Portal to tenants that are assigned this template; see Alert Policies Settings.
Tenant SSO Settings
Note: You must be a Super Admin user (see About Super Admin Users) to administer SSO. If you do not already have a Super Admin user in your organization please contact |
When one or more tenants exist in your organization you have the option of enabling the users assigned to those tenants to access your My Kentik Portal via SSO (see About SSO). Tenant SSO is configured in the My Kentik Portal Single Sign-on page, which Super Admin users can access from the My Kentik Portal Single Sign-on Settings link (see My Kentik Portal Settings).
As described in SSO Configuration Overview, the settings on this page (shown below) are nearly identical to the SSO settings for direct (non-tenant) users. The SSO configuration process for both direct and tenant users is covered in Kentik SSO Configuration.

Tenant Spoofing
The Open in Tenant View dialog, opened from the button of the same name, enables you to select a tenant and then “spoof” that tenant, meaning that you will see your My Kentik portal as that tenant would see it. The dialog has the following UI elements:
Close button: Click the X in the title bar to close the dialog without spoofing.
- Tenant menu: Click to open a drop-down menu from which to choose the tenant whose view you wish to see.
- Spoof As User menu: Click to open a drop-down menu from which to choose the user that you wish to spoof.
- Cancel button: Click to close the dialog without spoofing.
- Spoof button: Click to begin spoofing. As shown below, the current browser page will be replaced with the default view specified for the tenant in the Views pane of the Add Tenant or Edit Tenant dialog (see Views Settings).
Note: To “unspoof” you must click on the user menu at the right of the navbar and choose Stop Spoofing from the drop-down menu. When you unspoof you are returned to the My Kentik Portal admin page.

Tenant Notifications
Tenant notifications, which allow My Kentik Portal tenants to set up alerts for tenant users, are covered in the following topics:
- About Tenant Notifications
- Tenant Notifications Access
- Tenant Notifications Settings
- Tenant Channel Settings
Note: The settings described in Tenant Channel Settings and Tenant Notifications Settings are made in the My Kentik portal of an individual tenant, not on the Channels page in the Alerting section of Kentik Detect, which is accessible only to Kentik customers.
About Tenant Notifications
Tenant notifications enable an individual tenant to set up alert notifications in response to network traffic conditions that meet the criteria defined in one of the policy thresholds defined in Alert Policies Settings. Tenant notifications are available to a tenant when the Enable Notifications switch for that tenant is switched on in the individual threshold settings for an alert policy in the Add Tenant or Edit Tenant dialog (see Alert Policies Settings). While this switch enables the tenant to set up notifications, the notification settings themselves are accessed via the tenant’s own My Kentik Portal.

Tenant Notifications Access
As a landlord (Kentik customer) you can access tenant notification settings only when spoofing a tenant user via the Open in Tenant View dialog described in Tenant Spoofing:
- On your Admin » My Kentik Portal page, click the Open in Tenant View button to open the dialog.
- Specify the tenant and a tenant user in the dialog, then click the Spoof button. You’ll be taken to the tenant’s My Kentik portal.
- If tenant notifications is enabled for the tenant, the tenant portal’s main navbar will include an Alarms button. Click it to go to the Alarms page.
- Click the Manage Notifications button, which you’ll find on the right, just above the table of active alarms, to open the Tenant Notifications dialog.
Tenant Notifications Settings
The Tenant Notifications dialog is used to manage the notification channels used by a given tenant.

Tenant Notifications UI
The Tenant Notifications dialog includes the following UI elements:
- Close button: Click the X in the upper right corner to close the dialog. All elements will be restored to their values at the time the dialog was opened.
- Add Notification Channel button: Opens the Add Notification Channel dialog.
- Notification channels table: A table listing the tenant’s collection of notification channels (see Notification Channels Table).
Notification Channels Table
The Notification channels table, which lists the tenant’s collection of notification channels, includes the following columns:
- Enabled switch: Toggles the notification channel between on and off.
- Remove button (trash icon): Remove the notification channel from the tenant’s collection of channels.
- Notification Channel: An icon indicating the type of channel (e.g. envelope icon for email), followed by the name of the channel. A Notification Channel Dialog for this channel will open when you click in the row (see Tenant Channel Settings).
Tenant Channel Settings
The settings of an individual notification channel are made in the Notification Channel Dialog. The fields and controls of the dialog are the same as those of the dialog used to add or edit notification channels from the Admin » Channels page in Kentik Detect (see Notification Dialogs UI), but with the addition of the following:
- Receive Alert Notifications: A switch used to enable or disable notifications from the channel.

Configuring Tenancy
Configuring tenancy involves the steps detailed in the topics below:
Configure Tenant Portal
To configure a tenant portal:
- In My Kentik Portal Settings on the My Kentik Portal page (Admin » My Kentik Portal) specify a subdomain for the tenant portal URL.
- Use the Logo field to upload a logo that will appear on the tenant portal.
- Provide the Support URL and Support Email address that users should use to contact your customer support department.
- Click the Save button to save the tenant portal configuration.
Add a Tenant
To add a tenant:
- On the My Kentik Portal page (Admin » My Kentik Portal), click the Add Tenant button.
- In the General Settings pane of the resulting Add Tenant dialog, provide a name and description for the tenant.
- Add users (see Add a Tenant User).
- In the dialog’s Tenant Filters pane, specify filters that will limit (filter) the traffic data that is available in the tenant (see Tenant Filters Settings).
- In the dialog’s Views pane, choose the views (Dashboards, Saved Views, or Reports) that will be available in the tenant portal (see Views Settings).
- In the dialog’s Alert Policies pane, choose policies that you want to make available to the users of this tenant (see Alert Policies Settings).
- Click Add Tenant to save the settings and exit the dialog. The new tenant will appear in the Tenant List.
Edit a Tenant
To edit a tenant:
- On the My Kentik Portal page (Admin » My Kentik Portal), look in the Tenant List (if desired, use the Filter field) for the tenant that you’d like to edit.
- Click in the row of the tenant to open the Edit Tenant dialog.
- Modify the settings as described in Add a Tenant.
- Click Save to save the settings and exit the dialog.
Add a Tenant User
To add a user to a tenant:
- On the My Kentik Portal page (Admin » My Kentik Portal), look in the Tenant List (if desired, use the Filter field) to find the tenant to which you’d like to add a user.
- Click in the row of the tenant to open the Edit Tenant dialog.
- Click on the Users button at the right of the General Settings pane, which opens the Users Popup.
- Click the Add User button at the top of the popup. The button is replaced by the Enter user email field.
- Enter the email of the new tenant user, then click Save. The new user will be added to the popup’s list of users.
- Add additional users, or click anywhere outside the popup to close it.
Remove a Tenant User
To remove a user from a tenant:
- On the My Kentik Portal page (Admin » My Kentik Portal), look in the Tenant List (if desired, use the Filter field) to find the tenant from which you’d like to remove a user.
- Click in the row of the tenant to open the Edit Tenant dialog.
- Click on the Users button at the right of the General Settings pane, which opens the Users Popup.
- In the list of users, click on the user that you want to remove. A confirming dialog will open.
- In the confirming dialog, click the Remove button to remove the user from the tenant. The dialog will close and the removed user will no longer appear in the popup’s list of users.